13D Filing: RA Capital Management and Solid Biosciences Inc (SLDB)

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Page 8 of 8 – SEC Filing

Exhibit 1


This Joint Filing Agreement,
dated as of February 9, 2018, is by and among RA Capital Management, LLC and Peter
Kolchinsky (the foregoing are collectively referred to herein as the “Filers”).

Each of the Filers
may be required to file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission a statement on Schedule 13G and/or 13D with respect
to Common Stock of Solid Biosciences Inc. beneficially owned by them from time to time.

Pursuant to and in
accordance with Rule 13(d)(1)(k) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Filers hereby agree to
file a single statement on Schedule 13G and/or 13D (and any amendments thereto) on behalf of each of such parties, and hereby further
agree to file this Joint Filing Agreement as an exhibit to such statement, as required by such rule.

This Joint Filing Agreement
may be terminated by any of the Filers upon one week’s prior written notice or such lesser period of notice as the Filers
may mutually agree.

Executed and delivered
as of the date first above written.


By: /s/ Peter Kolchinsky


Peter Kolchinsky



/s/ Peter Kolchinsky


Follow Solid Biosciences Inc. (NASDAQ:SLDB)

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