13D Filing: PL Capital, Llc and Bankfinancial Corp (NASDAQ:BFIN)

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Page 23 of 25 – SEC Filing

Item 6.
Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings or Relationships with Respect to Securities of the Company.
With respect to Financial Edge Fund, Financial Edge Strategic and Focused Fund, PL Capital is entitled to an allocation of a portion of profits, if any.  With respect to Financial Edge Fund, Financial Edge Strategic, Focused Fund and Goodbody/PL LP, PL Capital Advisors is entitled to a management fee based upon a percentage of total capital.  With respect to Goodbody/PL LP, Goodbody/PL LLC is entitled to an allocation of a portion of profits, if any.  With respect to Albernet OU, PL Capital is entitled to an allocation of a portion of profits, if any, and a management fee based upon a percentage of total capital.
Other than the foregoing arrangements and relationships and the Joint Filing Agreement filed as Exhibit 1 to the Initial Schedule 13D, there are no contracts, arrangements, understandings or relationships among the persons named in Item 2 hereof and between such persons and any person with respect to any securities of the Company.
Item 7.
Material to be Filed as Exhibits
Exhibit No.
Joint Filing Agreement*
Standstill Agreement*
Restated Standstill Agreement
*Previously filed.

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