13D Filing: Okumus Fund Management and Web.com Group Inc. (WEB)

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Item 6. Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings or Relationships with Respect to Securities of the Issuer.
The Reporting Persons have written multiple call options contracts that, if exercised, will obligate the Reporting Person to sell up to 128,100 Shares.  Each of the call options has a strike price of $25 and expires on November 17, 2017.  In addition, the information set forth in Item 4 above is incorporated by reference in its entirety in this Item 6.  The Reporting Persons do not have any contract, arrangement, understanding or relationship with any person with respect to securities of the Issuer that is not described in this Item 6, Item 4 above and/or incorporated herein by reference.
Item 7. Material to be Filed as Exhibits.

Exhibit A: Joint Filing Agreement

Exhibit B: Schedule of Transactions
in the Shares

C: Common Stock Repurchase Agreement, dated August 31, 2017 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.1 to the Schedule 13D/A
filed with the SEC by the Reporting Persons on September 1, 2017)

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