13D Filing: M&G Investment Management Ltd and Methanex Corp (NASDAQ:MEOH)

Page 5 of 6 – SEC Filing

CUSIP No. 59151K108 13D Page 5 of 6 Pages

If, as a result of these actions over the medium term, the share price still does not reflect at least the Issuers
replacement cost of its assets then the Issuer should undertake a strategic review to either high grade the portfolio by selling assets that can be realised at a price materially above the value implied by the Issuers current equity value and
use the proceeds to buy back shares or sell the whole business in order to realise its value.

The Reporting Persons note that the Issuer has in the
past undertaken significant share buybacks at valuations below replacement cost, resulting in significant subsequent value accretion for shareholders. With this experience and history in mind, the Reporting Persons would reiterate this to be the
only sensible strategy for the Issuer in the short term.

The Reported Persons have been shareholders since 2008 and have been repeatedly
frustrated with the market valuation of the company. Post the completion of the relocation of the Chilean assets to the US, we believe the Issuer is finally now in a strong position to take advantage of this situation by using its strong cash
generation to repurchase shares. The Reported Persons will consider voting against the re-election of certain board members should the Issuer choose an alternative route.

Item 5. Interest in Securities of the Issuer.

To the best knowledge of the reporting persons, no person other than the reporting persons identified in this schedule 13D have the right to receive or
the power to direct the receipt of dividends from, or the proceeds from the sale of, the securities beneficially owned identified herein.

Item 6. Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings or Relationships with Respect to Securities of the Issuer.

Not Applicable.

Item 7. Material to Be
Filed as Exhibits.

Not Applicable.

Item 5. Interest in Securities of the Issuer.

Not Applicable.

Item 6. Contracts,
Arrangements, Understandings or Relationships with Respect to Securities of the Issuer.

Not Applicable.

Item 7. Material to Be Filed as Exhibits.

Not Applicable.

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