13D Filing: Marcato Capital Management and Buffalo Wild Wings Inc (BWLD)

Page 7 of 9 – SEC Filing

 CUSIP No. 119848109
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Item 7.
Material to be Filed as Exhibits
Exhibit A:  Joint Filing Agreement*
Exhibit B:  Schedule of Transactions in Shares*
Exhibit C:  Letter, dated August 17, 2016*
Exhibit D:  Presentation, dated August 25, 2016*
Exhibit E:  Schedule of Transactions in Shares*
Exhibit F:  Joinder Agreement*
Exhibit G:  Presentation, dated October 5, 2016*
Exhibit H:  Schedule of Transactions in Shares*
Exhibit I:  Letter, dated October 13, 2016*
Exhibit J:  Letter, dated December 6, 2016*
Exhibit K:  Schedule of Transactions in Shares*
Exhibit L:  Notice, dated February 6, 2017
Exhibit M:  Press Release, dated February 6, 2017*
Exhibit N:  Form of Engagement and Indemnification Agreement*
Exhibit O:  Schedule of Transactions in Shares*
Exhibit P:  Joint Filing Agreement, dated February 16, 2017*
Exhibit Q:  Press Release and Letter, dated April 20, 2017*
Exhibit R:  Presentation, dated April 20, 2017*
Exhibit S:  Schedule of Transactions in Shares*
Exhibit T: Schedule of Transactions in Shares*
Exhibit U: Press Release, dated June 2, 2017
*   Previously filed.

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