13D Filing: Magnolia Capital Fund, LP and BOSTON OMAHA Corp (BOMN)

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Page 6 of 10 – SEC Filing

Item 4.  Purpose of Transaction.
The Reporting Persons purchased certain of the Common Stock in the Issuer’s initial private offerings, and purchased an additional 3,461,538 shares of the Common Stock through the Issuer’s initial public offering. The Reporting Persons purchased the Common Stock based on the belief that such securities, when purchased, were undervalued and represented an attractive investment opportunity. Although Reporting Person has no specific plan or proposal to acquire additional Common Stock or dispose of the Common Stock, consistent with its investment purpose, Reporting Person at any time and from time to time may acquire additional Common Stock or dispose of any or all of its Common Stock depending upon an ongoing evaluation of the investment in the Common Stock, prevailing market conditions, other investment opportunities, liquidity requirements of the Reporting Person and/or other investment considerations. The purpose of the acquisition of the Common Stock is for investment, and the acquisitions of the Common Stock were made in the ordinary course of business.  Given the Reporting Persons’ ownership percentage of, and Mr. Peterson’s role with, the Issuer, the Reporting Persons holding of the Common Stock may have the purpose or effect of controlling the Issuer.
Adam K. Peterson is co-Chief Executive Officer and co-Chairman of the Board of the Issuer. As a result, the Reporting persons will, in the ordinary course, engage in communications with one more shareholders of the Issuer, one or more officers of the Issuer, other members of the board of directors of the Issuer, and other representatives of the Issuer regarding the Issuer.
Except to the extent the foregoing may be deemed a plan or proposal, the Reporting Persons have no plans or proposals which relate to, or could result in, any of the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) through (j), inclusive, of the instructions to Item 4 of Schedule 13D. The Reporting Person may, at any time and from time to time, review or reconsider its position and/or change its purpose and/or formulate plans or proposals with respect thereto.
Item 5.  Interest in Securities of the Issuer.
Prior to the Issuer’s initial public offering, the shares of Common Stock, as reported on the Schedule 13G filed by Reporting Persons on January 26, 2017, were designated as Class A common stock, and those shares previously held as Class A common stock and Class A warrants were designated Class B common stock and Class B warrants.
Currently, the Reporting persons beneficially own 7,355,161 shares of Class A common stock, 527,780 shares of Class B common stock, and 52,778 Class B warrants. The Class B warrants include 1,262 Class B warrants at a strike price of $8.00 and 51,516 Class B warrants at a strike price of $10.00.
The Class B warrants are convertible at any time and at the holder’s election into shares of the Issuer’s Class B common stock. The Class B common stock is convertible at any time, at the holder’s election and for no additional consideration, into shares of Class A common stock on a one-on-one basis. The conversion right has no expiration date.
CUSIP No. 101044105
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