13D Filing: Harvest Fund Advisors LLC and Andeavor Logistics LP (ANDX)

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Page 14 of 17 – SEC Filing

Item 6. Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings or Relationships With Respect to Securities of the Issuer.

Item 6 is hereby amended and restated as follows:

An account managed by HFA has entered into notional principal amount derivative agreements (the Derivative Agreements) in
the form of cash settled swaps with respect to 1,243,422 Common Units (representing economic exposure to approximately 0.6% of the Common Units). The Derivative Agreements provide each such holder with economic results that are comparable to the
economic results of ownership but do not provide it with the power to vote or direct the voting or dispose of or direct the disposition of the Common Units that are the subject of the Derivative Agreements (such units, the Subject
). The Reporting Persons disclaim beneficial ownership in the Subject Units. The counterparties to the Derivative Agreements are unaffiliated third party financial institutions.


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