13D Filing: Baker Bros. Advisors and Bellicum Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:BLCM)

Page 8 of 9 – SEC Filing

(c) The information set forth in Item 4 is hereby incorporated
by reference into this Item 5(c). Except as disclosed herein, none of the Reporting Persons or their affiliates has effected any
other transactions in securities of the Issuer during the past 60 days.

(d) Certain securities of the Issuer are held directly by 667,
a limited partnership the sole general partner of which is Baker Biotech Capital, L.P., a limited partnership the sole general
partner of which is Baker Biotech Capital (GP), LLC. Julian C. Baker and Felix J. Baker are the controlling members of Baker Biotech
Capital (GP), LLC.

Certain securities of the Issuer are held directly by Life Sciences,
a limited partnership the sole general partner of which is Baker Brothers Life Sciences Capital, L.P., a limited partnership the
sole general partner of which is Baker Brothers Life Sciences Capital (GP), LLC. Julian C. Baker and Felix J. Baker are the controlling
members of Baker Brothers Life Sciences Capital (GP), LLC.

Certain securities of the Issuer are held directly by 14159,
a limited partnership the sole general partner of which is 14159 Capital, L.P., a limited partnership the sole general partner
of which is 14159 Capital (GP), LLC. Julian C. Baker and Felix J. Baker are the controlling members of 14159 Capital (GP), LLC.

(e) Not applicable.

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