If you are looking for real good family emergency excuses to get out of work last minute, you are on the right track! Choose one and get your day off!
Many employees are often fond of bad and lousy excuses. But, when a family emergency arises, almost every boss shows empathy and is ready to help in such situations. Family emergencies are usually unforeseen and urgent for immediate actions and always related to our home, children, parents and close relatives. Fortunate or unfortunate, these kinds of emergencies are simply perfect for getting out of work last minute.

Iakov Filimonov/Shutterstock.com
Apart from real family accidents, in case you need the third-day weekend or relaxation day, you can make up the false family emergency. Still, try to avoid this if you want to keep your job. Whether fake or real, your ‘free day’ depends on how good excuses to miss work on short notice really are. Maybe “you have been vomiting all night” excuse can come through. Whatever you do, you have to let your boss know at any costs! Among many excuses included in our list of good excuses for missing work and not calling, the most probable and believable excuse is the one when you DID call your boss but somehow, only God knows how he didn’t get it. Furthermore, check out the list of good believable excuses for missing work as well.
While searching for real good family emergency excuses to get out of work last minute, we have found out that the bosses particularly fall for family and health issues, among many others. There is a lot of amusing opinions and attitudes regarding this topic. Some bosses are harsh, some do not approve any absence, but there are also those soft and attentive who put trust in their employees whenever comes the time for it. To be honest, a majority of employers does take advantage of those kind-hearted bosses and push their luck with them. However, those with apathetic and “yeller” bosses really have to put an effort and use their imagination to come up with really good excuses to miss work on short notice and be excellent in presenting them.
Family problems, especially the ones dealing with the health, are often the good excuses to miss work for a week. Maybe your sister broke her arm or someone close had an accident. Maybe your mother ended up in the hospital. Which one out of these not-the-naïve-situations to choose? For more ideas head on to our article about good excuses to miss work in advance.
Among many forums and discussion we visited to find appropriate suggestions, Quora and Yahoo answers were the most helpful. We come up with a number of reasons to call out of work besides being sick. Even it was a tough job to choose from a hundred suggestions made, we have gathered some real good family emergency excuses to get out of work last minute so let’s check them.