These 13 prank call ideas for friends are an easy way to have some fun at the expense of your dearest, but a word of warning: they also might use them to retaliate.
If you are new to prank calls, we recommend you to learn a thing or two about them before embarking on a journey of friendly mockery. You can always start with these 20 funny things to say while prank calling or you can take a look at our selection of the masters of the craft, whose knowledge you can exploit for free. Just head over to our list of 10 best prank call YouTube channels and take your pick. We recommend you to start with Friday Night Cranks. This channel doesn’t upload new content anymore, but you can scout through their archive of over 350 hilarious pranks.
Next, you may want to check MrOwnagePranks and their insightful comments on how to perform a successful prank call. You need to check this channel if you don’t have any previous experience with prank calls.
Finally, you would want to see the masters themselves. Ownage Pranks channel has more than 4.2 million subscribers, and it is considered as one of the best sources for pranks on the Internet.
Before you grab your phone and start harassing your friends with prank calls, there are few preparation steps you must undertake in order to perform a successful prank call. First, hide your phone number by making it private, other ways your prank will be busted easily. Alternately, you can use a phone number your friends are unfamiliar with. If this is a prank that requires long talking make sure to rehearse your role. Be prepared for any questions your friends may have. If you start stuttering and talking gibberish, they will get what is going on. It would be great if you can mask your voice so that your friends won’t recognize it, either by speaking differently or using an accent but be careful not to overdo it. Finally, whatever you do, don’t burst out laughing, regardless of how funny the situation gets.
We went over some of the most popular prank sites on the Internet like Prank Ideas Central, Random Things to Do and HelloWebz and made a selection of prank call ideas for friends we are confident will work and will be fun. If you happen to try some of them, let us know in the comment section how it went.
13. Star Wars Classic
Call a friend and ask “Is this Luke?”. When they say no, do your best Darth Vader impression and say “But Luke, I’m your father.”
12. Can I speak to John, please?
This one is for a group of friends who want to annoy that one friend who is always absent from the social gatherings. People take turns calling him and asking to speak to John (pro tip: make sure that the friend in question isn’t named John). The prank can run until he or she gets fed up and turns off their phone.
11. I’m Pregnant!
This is a great way for girls to prank their male friends. Ideally, the girl that does the talking should be in tears and sobbing so much she can’t even pronounce her name right.
10. Crusty the Crab
This one on our list of prank call ideas for friends may be outplayed by now, but it is worth trying. Call a friend and ask them “is that Crusty the Crab restaurant.” When they say no, answer with “No, this is Patrick.” Repeat the last sentence until they hang up. Then call them again.
9. Voice commands
This one is best performed on a friend who isn’t a tech-savvy. Introduce yourselves as a customer service representative from his phone company and inform him that a new service has been activated on his phone, allowing him to control it with voice commands, but it has to be calibrated first. Then proceed to ask him to repeat a few phrases so that the service can be activated properly. Start easy and gradually increase the silliness in your sentences and see how far you can you take it before they realize it is a prank.
8. But you called me!
Another classic prank call on our list of prank call ideas for friends. Call your friend and insist that they called you. Repeatedly ask what you can do for them. Don’t forget to act surprised and a little bit angry at their unsuccessful attempts at pranking you. Measure the time before they hang up on you.
7. Press 1
This is one of the best prank call ideas for friends. You just need to call your friend at work and say the phrase: “To speak to a caller, press 1”. You’d be surprised how many people will press it without thinking.
6. Silence of the lambs
Don’t prank your friends who have issues with anxiety with the number 6 on our list of prank call ideas for friends, because it can get pretty spooky. When they pick up, don’t say anything, just breathe heavily into the phone. This is an excellent way of finding out how your friends are reacting to stressful situations and which of their instincts is stronger, fight or flight.
5. I hid the body
This call prank on our list of prank call ideas for friends requires a good timing. Wait until your friend is in a situation in which he must behave himself. Then call them and inform them that you hid the body as they told you to do. Enjoy in their efforts to tell you off politely without using any curse words. It would be even more interesting if you can watch them how they will react.
4. Help me!
This call prank on our list of prank call ideas for friends is a short but good one. Call a friend and ask them for help, because you are in a serious situation. Once they start asking questions, explain that you can’t go too much into details and that they must help you immediately. Once they agree, ask them to bring you some toilet paper. But, don’t do this too often because you may find yourself in a situation where you will need help for real but will get a roll of toilet paper instead.
3. Phone line cleanup
Landline phones are quickly becoming a rarity in this day and age, but there are still plenty of them around. Pick a friend who has one and call him on it. Again, this one is also for people who don’t pay much attention to technology. Say that you are calling from a phone company and that a land line cleanup will be conducted in his area and that he needs to stay off the phone for the next hour or so, as there is a chance of receiving a mild electric shock, due to the process. It would be even more interesting if you use this prank on a colleague and they start running around the office telling everyone to put their phones down.
2. Lucky Winner
The most popular type of this prank call on our list of prank call ideas for friends is a lottery winning. Since you know your friend, you can easily choose a prize you know they’d want, it can be cinema tickets or a new CD. You can either string them for half an hour with ridiculous questions, or you can tell them to pick up their prize at some bogus location.
1. Double Whammy
This is the ultimate prank call idea for friends and the Holy Grail of prank calls in general. You will need to call easily confused friends, who preferably don’t know each other. Call them at the same time and put the phones together, trying to get them to speak to each other. Enjoy the ensuing hilarity and confusion as they try to discern who called who and why.
This was our list of 13 prank call ideas for friends. We hope we managed to show you what are the best prank calls you can do and maybe help you choose the right prank call for your friend. Don’t forget to let us know how they went.