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13 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the US

In this article, we will discuss the leading US regions in agricultural output and their key crops. You can skip our overview of the US agriculture sector and head straight to 5 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the US.

An Overview of Farming in the US

According to the USDA’s America’s Farms and Ranches at a Glance report, in 2022, American agriculture was primarily dominated by small family farms, which constituted approximately 88% of all farms and managed nearly half of the country’s agricultural land. Despite their large number, these small-scale family operations contributed to 46% of the agricultural land use. Conversely, large-scale family farms, though fewer in number, had a significant economic impact, accounting for over half of the agricultural production’s value and occupying a quarter of the farming land.

Midsize family farms, on the other hand, utilized 21% of the agricultural land and contributed to 19% of the total production value. Collectively, family farms, including small, midsize, and large-scale operations, were the cornerstone of the sector, representing 97% of all farms and contributing to 90% of the production.

However, non-family farms, comprising only 3% of the total farm count, exhibited distinct characteristics and made unique contributions. A significant 16% of these non-family farms reported a gross cash flow from farming exceeding $1 million, and these larger entities were responsible for a substantial 89% of the production from all non-family farms. The non-family operations varied in scale, income, and organizational structure, ranging from partnerships of unrelated individuals to non-family corporations and farms managed by hired professionals.

Regarding the financial health of these farms in 2022, a noteworthy portion of small family farms faced economic challenges. Between 52% and 79% of these farms operated within a high-risk profit margin zone, defined as having an operating profit margin (OPM) of less than 10%. In contrast, larger farms demonstrated greater financial stability, with about 51% of them having an OPM in the safer, low-risk zone (an OPM of 25% or higher) and only 27% falling into the high-risk category. This disparity underscores the varying degrees of financial security and risk across different types of agricultural operations.

Learn about the most important countries in the world’s food supply chain in the 15 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the World.

Corporations Innovating US Agriculture 

Maintaining a stable food supply chain requires smarter, more productive, and sustainable agricultural methods. Consequently, numerous companies have introduced smart agriculture practices to increase farming output while reducing its environmental impact. For instance, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (NYSE:ADM) has taken a significant step in promoting regenerative agriculture. In 2023, ADM extended its “re:generations” program to encompass 2 million acres throughout North America. Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (NYSE:ADM)’s initiative offers financial incentives and technical assistance to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices, such as cover cropping, enhanced nutrient management, and conservation tillage.

ADM notes that if farmers adopt any of these sustainable practices, they can enroll to get paid by their local ADM representative, given that they meet its set criteria. These methods contribute positively by enhancing soil health and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (NYSE:ADM) has set an ambitious target to expand these eco-friendly farming practices to 4 million acres worldwide by 2025.

Similarly, in addressing food insecurity, FMC Corporation (NYSE:FMC) is making significant strides. The company has committed $30.5 million to the Zero Hunger Private Sector Pledge, focusing on improving productivity and financial outcomes for small-scale farmers, particularly in underdeveloped regions like Asia, Africa, and Latin America. An essential part of FMC Corporation (NYSE:FMC)’s efforts is the deployment of advanced agricultural technologies, notably the Arc™ farm intelligence platform. This innovative system provides farmers with timely data on pest activity, enabling them to manage pest threats and minimize potential crop damage.

Furthermore, FMC Corporation (NYSE:FMC) is at the forefront of developing new synthetic technologies and biological solutions for eco-friendly pest control, including the use of pheromones and peptides. Pheromone-based pest control is highly specific, targeting only the intended pest species without harming non-target organisms like beneficial insects, birds, or mammals. This method is also environmentally friendly, as it doesn’t contribute to pollution or the development of pest resistance, a common issue associated with traditional chemical pesticides.

Must Read: 15 Most Consumed Crops in the World

Let’s now talk about the best agricultural zones in the United States!

13 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the US

Our Methodology 

The most productive agricultural regions in the US are not confined to single states; they often span across multiple states. We began by identifying the leading agricultural regions in the US and then found the states contributing most significantly to the productions of these regions. For example, Iowa and Illinois hold the largest shares in the country’s Midwestern Corn Belt, which stretches into several other states. Next, we determined the top five crops produced in these states, using data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and ranked the regions based on the states’ total agricultural output of these crops in 2022. This approach provides a comprehensive view of agricultural production in these multi-state regions.

Insider Monkey, a website dedicated to investment insights, tracks the behavior of company insiders and hedge fund operations. We identify top stock picks from more than 900 hedge funds focused on U.S. stocks. Over the last ten years, the top 10 stocks preferred by these hedge funds have outperformed the S&P 500 Index by over 140 percentage points (see the details here).

Based on our findings, here are the key agricultural hotspots in the USA:

13 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the US

13. Southwest (including Arizona and New Mexico)

Cumulative Agricultural Output: 3.8 million tons 

More than half of the high-value specialty crops in the United States, including fruits, nuts, and berries, are cultivated in the Southwest. However, these crops face increasing risks due to climate change, which includes rising temperatures and shifts in rainfall patterns. These changes affect the crops’ water requirements and overall growth. The region is now experiencing longer frost-free periods and more frequent heatwaves, which accelerate the ripening and maturation of crops. Consequently, this may necessitate adjustments in farming methods and locations.

New Mexico is renowned for its chile pepper production and leads the nation in terms of acreage devoted to this crop, with over 8,000 acres dedicated to chile peppers. This crop significantly contributes to the state’s agricultural output. Livestock farming, particularly cattle and sheep, also plays a pivotal role in New Mexico’s agricultural sector. Similarly, Arizona is a major producer of lettuce, spinach, cotton, broccoli, and wheat in substantial quantities.

Also Check: 20 Most Grown Crops in the World

12. Appalachia (including Alabama and West Virginia)

Cumulative Agricultural Output: 4.8 million tons 

The Appalachian region, encompassing Alabama and West Virginia, stands out as one of the most productive agricultural regions in the US. In Alabama, diversity characterizes its crop production, with cotton being a prominent crop. The state dedicates approximately 435,000 acres to cotton farming, resulting in an annual yield of over 800,000 bales. Moreover, corn is another significant crop in Alabama, cultivated on nearly 290,000 acres of land. Soybeans and peanuts also contribute significantly to the state’s agricultural output.

West Virginia’s agriculture is centered around corn production and has a robust presence in the livestock sector, particularly with beef cattle and broilers. An exceptional aspect of West Virginia’s agriculture is its focus on small-scale farming, which makes a substantial contribution to the state’s overall farm sales. This approach differs from the larger-scale farming prevalent in other parts of the United States.

11. Southeastern US (including Georgia and Florida)

Cumulative Agricultural Output: 8.4 million tons 

The Southeastern region of the United States, particularly Georgia and Florida, stands among the major crop-producing regions in the US. Georgia’s reputation is built on its extensive cotton fields, covering approximately 1.29 million acres and yielding approximately 2.65 million large bales in 2022, according to the USDA. Furthermore, Georgia is a significant producer of peanuts, with a harvest of about 2.86 billion pounds from 680,000 acres. The state also plays a prominent role in the broiler chicken market, surpassing 1.3 billion chickens in production.

Florida, on the other hand, distinguishes itself as one of the country’s largest exporters of agricultural products by harvesting various fruits such as oranges, strawberries, and melons. In addition to fruits, this region is known for producing broilers, tobacco, and a variety of livestock products.

Before scrolling up, see which of the largest US cities by area might be in these states!

10. Mississippi Delta

Cumulative Agricultural Output: 8.5 million tons 

The Mississippi Delta boasts a diverse array of agricultural products. In 2023, although Mississippi’s overall agricultural output saw a slight decrease from the previous year, it remained impressively high. Poultry farming emerged as a major contributor to the state’s agriculture, estimated at approximately $3.1 billion in value, despite a minor decline from the previous year. 

Soybeans take center stage among the crops in Mississippi, being the top-produced row crop with a value of around $1.6 billion, showing a slight dip from the previous year. Corn also plays a pivotal role, with its production value increasing to $675.4 million, surpassing cotton. In contrast, cotton production experienced a decline both in terms of acreage and value, with its 2023 value dropping to approximately $397.3 million.

9. Central Valley California

Cumulative Agricultural Output: 11.1 million tons 

California’s Central Valley is one of the leading US regions in agricultural output, renowned for its high yields of grapes, almonds, pistachios, and strawberries. Despite accounting for less than 1% of all U.S. farmland, it impressively manages 17% of the country’s irrigated lands, according to the USDA.

In 2022, the major crops in this region were valued at over a billion dollars for tomatoes and over five billion dollars for grapes, showcasing the diversity and scale of the Central Valley’s agricultural output. However, this abundance of agricultural production presents challenges, particularly in terms of water consumption and availability. The Central Valley’s agricultural sector demands a significant amount of water, consuming approximately 20% of the country’s groundwater. This heavy reliance on groundwater, especially for water-intensive crops like almonds and pistachios, places substantial pressure on local water resources.

8. Pacific Northwest (including Oregon and Washington)

Cumulative Agricultural Output: 16.3 million tons 

The Pacific Northwest, encompassing Oregon and Washington, is renowned for its diverse crop production, including wheat, potatoes, blueberries, and apples, among others.

Washington state, in particular, stands out for its large-scale apple production, exceeding 6 billion pounds in 2022. Additionally, the state is a major wheat producer, yielding over 144 million bushels. Other significant crops in Washington include hay, alfalfa, potatoes, hops, cherries, grapes, carrots, blueberries, and pears. Oregon holds the fourth position among the top potato-producing states in the US, with a production of 24.94 million hundredweight.

Recent USDA data for 2023 reveals a growing trend in the production of specific crops in the Pacific Northwest. Notably, there has been an increase in grain corn, sugar beets, and potato production. Washington has witnessed a significant rise in corn production, while Oregon has experienced a surge in sugar beet production.

7. Northeast US (including New York and Pennsylvania)

Cumulative Agricultural Output: 17.4 million tons 

In the agricultural landscape of the Northeastern United States, New York and Pennsylvania are noteworthy for their diverse crop production. New York stands out for its large-scale apple production, boasting an impressive 1.34 billion pounds. Additionally, the state serves as a hub for several other crops, including hay and haylage, corn, soybeans, cabbage, and wheat, highlighting its agricultural diversity.

Pennsylvania holds a similar level of influence in the region, particularly recognized for its substantial corn production, which yields more than 116 million bushels. The state also excels in the production of hay and haylage, soybeans, and winter wheat. With apple production exceeding 411 million pounds, Pennsylvania solidifies its role as a significant agricultural contributor in the Northeast.

6. Mountain States (including Colorado and Montana)

Cumulative Agricultural Output:18.6 million tons 

Colorado plays a crucial role in the production of key crops such as corn, wheat, hay, and potatoes, which are essential for meeting local food demands and contribute significantly to the country’s overall agricultural production. In 2022, the state produced 118 million bushels of corn and 7.6 million bushels of sorghum.

Montana, known for its expansive landscapes, is particularly renowned for wheat and barley cultivation. In 2022, the state yielded 139 million bushels of wheat and 34 million bushels of barley. Additionally, Montana is a major hay producer, providing an important resource for livestock feeding.

Click to continue reading 5 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the US.

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Disclosure: None. 13 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the US is originally published at Insider Monkey.

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