13 Celebrities Scammed by Madoff

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1. Steven Spielberg

If you wished to give credit to Madoff’s scam of the century, the only thing that you had to do was to name some of the people from this list of 13 celebrities scammed by Madoff. Steven Spielberg might be one of the most famous celebrities that have made the list and renowned filmmaker certainly gives good old Bernie plenty of credit. Like it is the case with most of other celebrities, Spielberg’s losses haven’t been disclosed, but judging by his net worth over the years – they haven’t been low, that’s for sure.

800px-Steven_Spielberg_1999 13 Celebrities Scammed by Madoff

List of people and institutions scammed by Bernard Madoff goes on and on. He has deceived a number of world’s banks, pension funds, charity organizations, insurance companies, investment companies, agencies and who knows who else. He didn’t really choose who to rob and who not to as plenty of individuals have also found their way to this undesirable list. Apart from those aforementioned, Madoff has scammed fundraisers, stockbrokers, businessmen, entrepreneurs, world’s elite and many more. Whether the sentence is justified – we aren’t qualified to judge. Some sort of karma did take its place, however, as both of Madoff’s sons have died within 5 years of his sentencing. The question still remains: “Is it worth living 20 or 30 years like a billionaire and spending the rest of your days in prison?” Furthermore, is it worth leaving that kind of a legacy behind you? These are questions that only Bernard Madoff is qualified to answer at this point.

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