13 Blockchain Non-Financial Use Cases and Business Opportunities

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1. Healthcare

Medical records are considered to be sensitive information that just a few people have access to. Theoretically, only you and your doctor should have access to this data, but realistically that’s not always what happens. Furthermore, we’ve seen quite a few hacks in recent years involving clinics, exposing private information about patients. Sometimes, these patients were even blackmailed with information found in those files.

Health data could very well fit in with the blockchain technology, which makes it suitable for blockchain non-financial use cases and business opportunities. Your age, gender, medical history, and more would be filed into a block, completely encrypted. Furthermore, in the future, medical devices used to check up a patient could file the information automatically, which can be seen by the doctor immediately, or by other doctors authorized to check it.



That being said, there are countless ways blockchain can be applied to industries from all over the world in order to make data exchange safer and for all data to be easier to manage. Hopefully, you enjoyed our 13 blockchain non-financial use cases and business opportunities.

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