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12 Things Retirees Need to Know About Social Security and Taxes

This article takes a look at 12 things retirees need to know about social security and taxes. If you wish to skip our detailed analysis of insights on social security benefits and taxes, you may go to 5 Things Retirees Need to Know About Social Security and Taxes.

Insights on Social Security Benefits, Taxes, and the Changing Landscape

What do I need to know about Social Security benefits and taxes? A lot. As retirees embark on the journey of financial planning for their post-career years, understanding the intricacies of Social Security benefits and taxes becomes paramount. By navigating these complexities, one can ensure the optimization of their financial landscape during retirement.

This holds particular significance due to the anticipated depletion of Social Security funds by 2034, fostering a growing sense of skepticism among both existing and prospective retirees about the uncertainties that loom on the horizon. If things don’t take a turn for the better, the program is only expected to pay 80% of scheduled benefits by then.

“The biggest fear people have about retirement is running out of money”.

-Anne Ackerley, head of retirement business at BlackRock, Inc. (NYSE:BLK).

According to BlackRock, Inc. (NYSE:BLK), retirement confidence over the years has been dropping massively. The BlackRock, Inc. (NYSE:BLK) 2023 Read on Retirement™ survey, in particular, reveals that only half of workplace savers are on track to retire with the lifestyle they desire.

“Retirement income is the number one topic our clients are talking to us about. It’s interesting to see that plan sponsors are realizing that these plans have been effective for savings prior to retirement, but not necessarily for optimized spending in retirement.”

-Anne Ackerley.

Based on their study, four primary stressors are driving the drop in retirement confidence, namely inflation, market volatility, recession fears, and a lack of retirement income. While these factors may not be in control of the average retiree, financial advisory companies and services can help potential retirees optimize their savings and plan for retirement better.

Based on the aforementioned observations, it is safe to say that the retirement landscape isn’t what it once used to be. Retirement, once synonymous with stepping back from work to embrace a life of leisure and relaxation, now confronts a starkly different reality. A T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:TROW) study has found that, unlike in the past, retirees are now spending their retirement days working. The T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:TROW) study has found that more and more people are now “un-retiring”, quoting financial and health-related benefits for going back to work.

48% of retirees surveyed by T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:TROW) quoted working for financial reasons, while 45% said that they gain social and emotional benefits from working. A survey by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies tends to agree with this trend, quoting that more than half (55%) of those surveyed who are currently working in the US expect to continue working in retirement as well. The biggest financial driver, as quoted by the study, is simply wanting an income.

Many retirees, however, may not have a complete understanding of how factors like working during retirement can impact aspects such as Social Security. They may also not be aware of how much tax is taken out of their social security check. They may be asking questions like at what age is social security no longer taxed? If you’re a potential retiree asking yourself these questions, we have crafted a list of things that can help you navigate the retirement landscape better. By staying knowledgeable and adapting to the changing landscape, retirees can enhance their financial well-being and make the most of their retirement years.



To compile the list of 12 things retirees, need to know about social security and taxes, we consulted several sources such as the Social Security Administration, Kiplinger, AARP, Investopedia, and NASDAQ, to name a few. Next, we adopted a consensus approach to pick out the top 12 things that retirees should be aware of concerning their social security benefits and taxes. These 12 things have been ranked in ascending order from the lowest to the highest scores.

By the way, Insider Monkey is an investing website that tracks the movements of corporate insiders and hedge funds. By using a similar consensus approach, we identify the best stock picks of more than 900 hedge funds investing in US stocks. The top 10 consensus stock picks of hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500 Index by more than 140 percentage points over the last 10 years (see the details here). Whether you are a beginner investor or a professional one looking for the best stocks to buy, you can benefit from the wisdom of hedge funds and corporate insiders.

Here are the 12 Things Retirees Need to Know About Social Security and Taxes:

12. Social Security Isn’t Going Anywhere

Insider Monkey Score: 3

One thing that you need to know about social security before you retire is that it isn’t going anywhere. The speculation around social security funds getting depleted by 2034 has led many retirees and potential ones into a state of frenzy. However, individuals must rest assured that these funds won’t just go “poof”. While it is true that the funds are slowly running out, workers will continue paying Social Security payroll taxes, which will end up being paid to retirees. At the same time, depleted funds do mean that unless Congress acts, retirees will only get to receive 80% of their scheduled benefits by 2034. Given this scenario, it’s almost certain that Congress will make amendments to these funds, which could be anything from raising the retirement age to increasing taxes on benefits, and even increasing financial penalties for claiming social security before the retirement age.

11. 35 Highest Earning Years: The Foundation of Your Benefits

Insider Monkey Score: 4

Even if you have several years of low salary, likely, it’s likely not going to impact how much you receive in social security benefits. According to the Social Security Administration, social security benefits are typically computed based on “average indexed monthly earnings”. This average encapsulates the indexed earnings of a worker over up to 35 years. SSA explains the way an individual’s basic benefits are calculated. First, an individual’s actual earnings are adjusted or “indexed” to account for changes in average wages since the year the earnings were received. Next, average indexed monthly earnings during the 35 years in which one has earned the most is calculated. A formula is applied to these earnings to arrive at the basic benefit, or the “primary insurance amount”. This is how much an individual would receive at their full retirement age — 65 or older, depending on their date of birth.

10. Strategic Waiting: Claiming Social Security for Maximum Returns

Insider Monkey Score: 5

One way to boost your social security benefits is to wait past your full retirement age. For each month an individual delays their social security benefits, their benefits are increased by a certain percentage. These benefit increases stop once an individual reaches the age of 70. If an individual has hit full retirement age, opting to begin receiving benefits earlier than their application month is a choice available to them. SSA states that it’s important to note that retroactive benefits can’t be paid for any month before reaching full retirement age or extending beyond six months in the past. If one chooses to postpone their retirement, they must make sure to enroll in Medicare at age 65. Failing to sign up at this age could lead to potential delays and increased costs in Medicare coverage under specific circumstances. It must also be noted that delaying retirement is not always the best choice for a retiree, so it’s best to evaluate all options before making a decision.

9. Spousal and Child Benefits

Insider Monkey Score: 7

Another thing that retirees need to know about social security benefits is that when a worker files for benefits, some members of their family such as the spouse may be eligible for a benefit based on the worker’s earnings, even if they have never worked under Social Security. The ex-spouse, spouse, or child may receive a benefit of up to one-half of the worker’s retirement amount. However, these Social Security payments to family members do not decrease the amount of an individual’s retirement benefit. It’s important to note that the specific rules and eligibility criteria for spousal and child benefits can vary.

8. Survivor Benefits

Insider Monkey Score: 9

Social Security also helps by providing income for the families of workers who die. This is because the social security taxes that individuals pay also go to survivor benefits for workers and their families. Based on an individual’s work, the people who can claim social security benefits are the widow or widower, unmarried children, or dependent parents. A widow or widower may be able to get full retirement benefits at full retirement age (FRA), or they can receive reduced benefits as early as age 60. A surviving spouse with a disability can begin as early as age 50. There are other scenarios where a spouse, unmarried child, or dependent grandchild can receive these benefits. For further information, check out the Social Security Administration website. In the case that both spouses receive benefits, the smaller benefit goes away when one person dies.

7. Working in Retirement: Implications for Social Security

Insider Monkey Score: 10

Another thing retirees need to know about Social Security and taxes is that they can work while they receive Social Security benefits or even survivor benefits. Every year, the Social Security Administration reviews the records of all Social Security beneficiaries with wages reported for the previous year.

“If your latest year of earnings is one of your highest years, we recalculate your benefit and pay you any increase you are due. The increase is retroactive to January of the year after you earned the money. If you receive survivors’ benefits, the additional earnings could help make your retirement benefit higher than your current survivors benefit.”

However, there is a limit to how much an individual can earn and still receive full benefits. If a worker is younger than the FRA and earns more than the yearly earnings limit, the SSA reduces benefit amounts. If a worker is under full retirement age for the entire year, SSA deducts $1 from their benefit payments for every $2 they earn above the annual limit. For 2024, that limit is $22,320. In the year they reach full retirement age, the SSA deducts $1 in benefits for every $3 that they earn above a different limit. In 2024, this limit on earnings is $59,520.

6. Taxation of Social Security Benefits: What You Need to Know

Insider Monkey Score: 11

Many retirees often wonder at what age social security is no longer taxed. The truth is, that one doesn’t stop paying taxes on social security after reaching a certain age. Only your income decides and dictates whether you owe federal taxes on it. This social security is taxable only if your combined income exceeds certain limits. Based on IRS rules, single filers owe taxes on their Social Security if their combined income is $25,000 or more, while married couples filing jointly owe taxes on their Social Security if their combined income is $32,000 or more. People with combined income in the lower threshold have to pay taxes on 50% of their benefit, while people with combined income in the upper threshold have to pay taxes on 85% of their benefit.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Things Retirees Need to Know About Social Security and Taxes.

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Disclosure: none. 12 Things Retirees Need to Know About Social Security and Taxes is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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