1. The Low Blow: “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”
Forbes has very good suggestions and cues of what to do when you caught someone in a lie. Some of these include: doing nothing, deflecting with humour, playing dumb, calling them on it, and -not optional- protecting yourself. However, none of these are to me as worth it as The Low Blow.
The Low Blow is not an indispensable question, but once you’re sure someone’s lying, you should take the opportunity to get a kick out of it. In all fairness, the little prick has been lying to you all throughout the chat, so why not have some fun? That’s why it’s the last of the best questions to ask someone to see if they are lying, just to go out with a bang.
Already riddled by guilt, Tony will have no other choice but squirm, get as awkward as possible, and deny the whole thing. If he is wise, the next thing he’ll do is find any excuse to run away and probably avoid you for a very long time. But really, who cares? Tony is an idiot who just gave away everyone’s secrets. Screw Tony.

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