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12 Most Advanced Countries in Cybersecurity

In this article, we take a look at the 12 most advanced countries in cybersecurity. For more such countries, go to 5 Most Advanced Countries in Cybersecurity

Cyberspace is increasingly being considered the fifth dimension of warfare after land, sea, air and space. Interest in cybersecurity has increased during recent years for both offensive and defensive purposes, as battlefield and strategic-weapons management, and military operational coordination is increasingly happening in cyberspace. 

In this respect, cyberspace has paved the way for strategic offensive advantages in its domain, and necessitated defensive capabilities and cyber resilience as well. 

The US, in this regard, has launched the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative, through its Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). CISA is expected to have its funding increased by 12% in FY2023, reaching $2.9 billion, which is $313 million above the funding it received in the last fiscal year. The budget is expected to help CISA enhance its threat hunting, cyber-vulnerability management and cybersecurity training programs. 

When it comes to the organization’s Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative program, it is enlisting several major tech corporations like Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT),, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) and Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) to help improve its cybersecurity infrastructure. 

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is known for the widely used security system called Microsoft Sentinel, which delivers across-enterprise threat intelligence. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is also known for Priva, Purview and Entra, among other advanced security solutions.

Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG), on the other hand, boasts cloud-based security solutions like Cloud IDS, VPC Service Controls and Confidential Computing, among Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s top solutions. Lastly,, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) integrates various top-notch cybersecurity services in its Amazon Web Services cloud.

Cybersecurity Trends to Watch: 2030

Among the cybersecurity trends for 2030 highlighted by the World Economic Forum, concerns surrounding the abuse of AI capabilities in cyber threats were the most noteworthy in terms of malware, ransomware, online social engineering and propaganda. 

Machine learning is advancing at a rapid pace and AI can be used to create malware that is more difficult to detect and harder to remove. For example, attackers can use AI to create polymorphic malware that changes its code every time it infects a new system.

Machine learning models can also be used to carry out more sophisticated and effective ransomware attacks. Attackers can use AI to identify valuable targets and customize their ransom demands based on the target’s financial situation.

Cybersecurity Industry Outlook: 2030

According to a report by Grand View Research, the global cybersecurity market was valued at $203 billion as of 2022, and is projected to grow at a solid CAGR of 12.3% during the forecast period of 2023-2030, reaching $500.7 billion in value by 2030. 

Factors driving the growth include an increasing number of cyberattacks, cloud computing and losses that firms are incurring due to cyberattacks, motivating them to seek cybersecurity solutions. 

According to a report by International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM), the global average cost that companies incur due to data breaches is $4.35 million as of 2021. Since the International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM) report, data breaches have increased by 13%, with 83% of the studied organizations having their data breached more than once. 

One of the problems highlighted in the industry by the Grand View Research report is the high costs of cybersecurity solutions, compelling many enterprises to seek unlicensed solutions, which although work against known threats, are ineffective against novel threats, and are often carrying trojans themselves. 

The GVR report further highlighted that the hardware segment, within the broader cybersecurity industry, is growing at a high growth rate of over 12%. On the other hand, the cloud security segment held the highest share of revenue in 2022, at over 25%. 

Defense contracts accounted for more than 20% of the global market, and when it comes to regional cybersecurity markets, Asia-Pacific is the fastest growing. 

Many countries have advanced highly in cybersecurity, primarily for military purposes, like Israel. It is popularly known for Pegasus spyware developed by NSO Group. Pegasus is a suite of exploits that targets many different vulnerabilities in computer systems. Israel was also among the countries which were accused by Iran for the Stuxnet attack, which sabotaged Iranian centrifuges. 

Israel has a formidable reputation in cybersecurity and ranks on the top 19th spot on the Belfer Center’s National Cyber Power Index of 2022. It is particularly ahead in dimensions like destructive and defensive cyber capabilities but lags behind many other countries in the financial and information-control dimensions of cybersecurity.

With the backdrop, let’s head to the 12 most advanced countries in cybersecurity. 

Our Methodology

We have defined ‘advanced countries in cybersecurity’ as ones which are well-equipped in cyberspace in terms of infrastructure and talent, and boast high capability and readiness in the industry for both defense and industry-related purposes.

In this respect, we’ve relied on the National Cyber Power Index of 2022 by Cyber Project and ranked the countries as such, in ascending order of high advancement in cybersecurity. 

Here are the 12 most advanced countries in cybersecurity.

12. Ukraine

Ukraine boasts capabilities in threat intelligence and cyber defense, developed as a reaction to the country being a target of numerous cyberattacks, including the NotPetya ransomware attack. 

In 2016, Ukraine created a National Cybersecurity Coordination Center to facilitate cooperation between government agencies, private companies, and international partners in addressing cyber threats. 

Additionally, Ukraine has developed a number of initiatives to promote cybersecurity education and training, including the establishment of specialized universities and training programs.

Ukraine is also home to a number of leading cybersecurity companies, including Ciklum, a global software engineering and technology company that specializes in cybersecurity, and whose board is chaired in Kyiv, and SoftServe, a digital-solutions company which offers a range of cybersecurity services.

11. Germany

Germany is home to several world-renowned cybersecurity research institutions and companies, and the German government has taken significant steps to strengthen the country’s cybersecurity posture.

For instance, Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT) is one of the world’s leading cybersecurity research institutions. The institute conducts research on a range of cybersecurity topics, including secure communication protocols and secure software development.

Germany is also home to a number of cybersecurity companies, such as Siemens Cybersecurity and G DATA CyberDefense. These companies provide a range of cybersecurity services, including threat detection and response, data protection, and risk management.

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) of the German government also operates a national cybersecurity emergency response team and conducts cybersecurity research and development.

10. Iran

Iran, like Ukraine, has been the target of sophisticated cyberattacks, including the Stuxnet worm attack, which sabotaged Iranian centrifuges in relation to the country’s nuclear program. 

Iran has made progress in developing its own technology and capabilities in this area. The country has established several cybersecurity research centers, including the Iran Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (CERTCC), which is responsible for managing cybersecurity incidents and providing training and support to other organizations.

Iran has also developed its own cybersecurity software and tools for both defensive and offensive purposes, including antivirus programs and intrusion detection systems. Iran was accused of the Shamoon-malware attack, which targeted the industrial and energy sectors in gulf countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM)’s X-Force also suspects elements in Iran to be behind the development and deployment of ‘Zerocleare’, a malware from the Wiper class, which was used against industrial targets in a number of Middle Eastern countries. 

9. France

France has established several cybersecurity research centers, including the National Agency for the Security of Information Systems (ANSSI), which is responsible for ensuring the security of France’s critical infrastructure and government networks. ANSSI also provides support and advice to private sector organizations on cybersecurity issues.

France has also made significant investments in cybersecurity research and development, with a focus on areas such as artificial intelligence, cryptography, and secure communication technologies. One of the latest investment announcements of $1 billion came in 2021, when French hospitals were targeted with cyberattacks amid the pandemic, with hospitals accounting for 11% of all cyberattacks in the country in 2020. 

In addition to its domestic capabilities, France is also an active participant in international cybersecurity initiatives and partnerships, including the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE).

8. South Korea

South Korea has been known for various high-profile cybersecurity tools. Among these is AhnLab V3, which uses a combination of signature-based and behavior-based detection techniques to identify and prevent malware attacks.

South Korea has several institutions dedicated to cybersecurity, including the Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA) and the National Intelligence Service (NIS). 

The government has also implemented various policies and initiatives to promote cybersecurity, including the establishment of a national cybersecurity strategy and the adoption of advanced technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance cybersecurity.

7. Vietnam

Vietnam is rapidly emerging as one of the top players in cybersecurity, with the country having the foundation of numerous offensive/defensive cybersecurity tools to its credit.

Some of these include BKAV, an antivirus program developed by Vietnam’s Bkav Corporation, Aegis, an advanced threat detection and prevention program developed by Viettel Cyber Security, and CyRadar, a vulnerability assessment program developed by Vietnam’s Computer Emergency Response Team. 

The country has also joined several international organizations focused on cybersecurity, including the ASEAN Ministerial Conference on Cybersecurity and the APEC Cybersecurity Strategy.

6. Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the most advanced countries in cybersecurity. The Dutch government has established several cybersecurity research and innovation centers, such as the Delft University of Technology and the Dutch Cybersecurity Consortium, which brings together academic institutions, businesses, and government agencies to develop new cybersecurity technologies and strategies.

In addition, the Netherlands has a strong cybersecurity industry, with numerous cybersecurity companies, including Fox-IT and Northwave, which provide cybersecurity services and solutions to both domestic and international clients. Apart from that, it also hosts companies like, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN), which provide cutting-edge cloud security solutions to enterprises in the country. 

Cybersecurity is also highly institutionalized in the Dutch private sector. According to a 2019 report by Hiscox, companies in the Netherlands spend an annual average of $1.9 million on cybersecurity. 

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Most Advanced Countries in Cybersecurity

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Disclosure: none. 12 Most Advanced Countries in Cybersecurity is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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