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12 Largest Barite Producing Countries in the World

In this in-depth article, we’ll research the largest barite producing countries in the world to see where is barite found in the world and which countries are the biggest players in global barite production. If you want to skim through and find the main barite cobalt producers, read 5 Largest Barite Producing Countries in the World.

The largest barite producing countries in the world are India, China, and Morocco, which collectively make up over 73% of global barite production. India’s Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh regions are rich in barite resources, as is Morocco in North Africa, which is emerging as a significant producer. In the Middle East, Iran is known for its biggest barite reserves, currently amounting to 100 million metric tons. Additionally, Kazakhstan, Mexico, and Turkey contribute to the global availability of Barite, where it is extracted through open-pit mining and is predominantly used in the oil and gas industry as an essential property in drilling mud. 

The global barite market is expected to grow from $1.95 billion in 2022 to $2.19 billion in 2023. Furthermore, we have already covered a detailed barite/baryte global market report; give it a read to understand this mineral better. 

Where Is Barite Found In The World?

Since the largest barite producing regions are characterized by sedimentary rocks such as limestone and dolomite, or hydrothermal ore veins, they offer ideal conditions for barite formation. 

Hydrothermal veins form when mineral-rich hot water flows through cracks in the earth’s crust and results from tectonic or volcanic activities. As this fluid cools down, the minerals’ precipitates accumulate to make veins where barite concentrate thrives. 

Moreover, the presence of barium in the fluid is important in the case of barite as it combines with sulfate, usually supplied by the oxidation of sulfides or from the surrounding saline waters, to create barium sulfate – the mineral form known as barite.

Likewise, the sedimentary deposits of barite accumulate in marine environments where high concentrations of barium exist. Barium-rich waters come from deep-sea hydrothermal vents and flow into the oceans. Consequently, when the barium-rich waters meet with sulfate-rich seawater, barite precipitates out to settle along the seafloor. These deposits make layers of sedimentary rocks from which barite is later mined. 

Therefore, the most favorable conditions for barite to form and grow are hydrothermal vents/veins and rock, which are abundantly present in India, China, and other largest barite producing countries around the world. 

Who Mines Barite?

Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) is among the most recognized corporations in the barite sector that hosts multiple product service lines, among which, Baroid Industrial Drilling Products (IDP) is a supplier of drilling fluid additives. Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) overarching mandate involves modeling of oil and natural gas fields and reservoirs.

At the Rossi Mine, which dates back to 1947, Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) uses open pit mining techniques to extract barite ore, and the extracted ore undergoes an initial processing phase on-site through a jig plant. The concentrated ore is then transported to a specialized plant of Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) located in Dunphy, Nevada, where it undergoes further stages of crushing, packaging, and shipping.

Another big mining company that mines barite is Newpark Resources, Inc. (NYSE:NR), which functions as a provider of eco-conscious commodities. However, in 2022, Newpark Resources, Inc. (NYSE:NR) announced a strategic shift as the company declared to sell a significant portion of enduring assets, operational functions, and inventories associated with its Excalibar mineral grinding subsidiary. 

As per the financial data available up until September 30, 2022, the Excalibar division had roughly $65 million of net capital employed. Cimbar, the purchasing entity in the agreement, aims to broaden its market share within the mineral grinding industry by acquiring Excalibar of Newpark Resources, Inc. (NYSE:NR). 

One of the oldest barite mining companies is Baker Hughes Company (NASDAQ:BKR), a prominent entity in the American oilfield services sector. Baker Hughes Company (NASDAQ:BKR) systematically extracts barite mineral from numerous mining pits, which is then transported, primarily via trucking methods, to Argenta Mill. 

It’s noteworthy to mention that the current permittee of record for the Argenta Mine and Mill, where the barite processing occurs, is Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids, a subsidiary of Baker Hughes Company (NASDAQ:BKR).  

What Are 4 Important Uses Of Barite?

Barite is used in multiple crucial industries because of its high specific gravity, chemical inertness, and nontoxicity. Its most important role is in the oil and gas industry as a weighting agent in drilling mud. As barite’s high specific gravity allows the drilling mud to counterbalance the pressure in oil and gas wells, it prevents the explosive blowouts. It is ground to a small, uniform size to meet the mud specification requirements in drilling and to ensure efficient control of pressure.

Another notable application of barite is in the construction industry, where it works as an aggregate in the production of heavy cement. Barite’s density makes this variant of cement ideal for constructing radiation-shielding structures like medical facilities and nuclear power plants. Here, crushed and screened barite is added to the cement mixture, providing enhanced radiation resistance.

Barite also works as a filler or extender in industrial products, owing to its chemical stability and white color. For instance, it is mixed in paint, plastics, and rubber to improve product durability to enhance resistance to harsh weather conditions, among other things.

The pharmaceutical industry utilizes barite in X-ray and computerized tomography (CT) machines. It’s a radiographic contrast agent that helps provide clear, detailed images of a patient’s internal structure to improve diagnostic accuracy. 

Where Is The Largest Barite Deposit?

Iran is known to possess the greatest cumulative reserves of barite, with deposits summing up to approximately 100 million metric tons. When it comes to India, if we discuss the single largest barite deposit, the Mangampet deposit, situated in Andhra Pradesh, is the biggest in the country. Barite deposits can also be found in the United States, with Nevada showcasing the highest concentration in the nation. Similarly, Pakistan also lays claim to significant barite deposits; the country’s major barite deposits are situated in the Hazara district. This region boasts one of the most productive barite belts in the country, which is also a valuable asset for the national mining sector.

With that out of the way, let’s move on to the list of the largest barite producing countries in the world.

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Our Methodology 

We analyzed mining production data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Commodity Summaries for the years 2023, 2022, and 2018 to rank the largest barite producing countries in the world. Since USGS is a government scientific agency that provides annually updated, comprehensive data pertaining to all mineral and metal commodities worldwide, it is a credible source of the most current, internationally validated information. 

Based on USGS barite mining data from 2022, 2021, and 2018, here are the largest barite producing countries in the world:

12. Pakistan 

Barite Mine Production in 2021: 50,000 metric tons 

Pakistan extracted 50,000 metric tons of barite in 2021, which corroborated its position on the top 12th spot among the largest barite producing countries in the world. Pakistan’s estimated barite reserves also aggregate to 40 million metric tons and present a considerable opportunity for further exploitation. The country’s chief barite reserves are concentrated in three principal regions: Hazara, Khuzdar, and LasBela. Pakistan’s largest single barite deposit is called Ehuzdar, estimated to contain 1,100,000 short tons of barite. When paired with the 2nd largest coal and 5th largest gold deposits, Pakistan is surely a solid name when it comes to mineral reserves.

11. Laos 

Barite Mine Production in 2021: 0.11 million metric tons 

Laos is another considerable barite producer, owing to its favorable conditions for this mineral. The country mined 0.11 million metric tons of this vital non-metallic mineral in 2021, most of which is exported. However, barite exports from Laos were inhibited because of border closures with neighboring countries, since it is a landlocked country. 

10. Russia 

Barite Mine Production in 2022: 0.15 million metric tons 

Russia’s mining industry reported a yield of 0.15 million metric tons of barite in 2022, a significant percentage of which is used in oil and gas drilling operations. However, this output represents only a fraction of Russia’s considerable Barite reserves. Russia’s substantial barite reserve is estimated to be 12 million metric tons, which explains how Russia’s mining strategy could influence worldwide market dynamics.

9. Thailand 

Barite Mine Production in 2017: 0.15 million metric tons 

Thailand’s mineral industry extracted 0.15 million metric tons of barite in 2017, but its latest mining stats are unclear. As per the USGS Minerals Yearbook 2017-2018, Thailand’s gold and silver mining was suspended because of environmental concerns. The unclear data on Thailand’s barite extraction could be a result of that since its barite reserves are reported to be 18 million metric tons. Most of these barite deposits are in the Bo Hin Khao region, which is a 25-meter-thick zone containing barite and zinc. 

8. Iran 

Barite Mine Production in 2022: 0.22 million metric tons

In the MENA region, Iran is a leading name in the barite mining industry because of its diverse geology. Iran extracted a total of 0.22 million metric tons of barite in 2022. Most of this barite extraction originates from the southwestern region of Mahabad town, an integral part of the Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic zone (SSZ). SSZ is a geo-structurally significant area that hosts seven extensive barite-base metal deposits. The most notable thing about Iran in this aspect is its 100 million metric tons of barite reserves, which are the highest in the world. So while its barite mining is lower than Turkey, US, and Morocco, it surely has the capacity to outrank these countries. 

7. Turkey 

Barite Mine Production in 2022: 0.30 million metric tons

Turkey excavated 0.3 million metric tons of barite in 2022; most of this output is drawn largely from deposits located in the Konya, Maras, Muş, Antalya, and Kutahya regions of Turkey. Moreover, the estimated reserves of Turkey are 35 million metric tons, which underlines the nation’s rich barite endowment and potential for future extraction. 

6. Mexico 

Barite Mine Production in 2022: 0.32 million metric tons

Mexico’s barite mine yield reached a significant 0.32 million metric tons in 2022. Reports say that a significant portion of this mineral was extracted from the Chicomuselo district in Chiapas. This region is known for its rich barite deposits, often associated with Pb-Zn veins in Late Cretaceous to Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks. 

Click to continue reading 5 Largest Barite Producing Countries in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 12 Largest Barite Producing Countries In The World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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