12 Good Excuses for Missing Class to Tell Your Parents

Do you have some good excuses for missing class to tell your parents already prepared? If not, then this article is exactly what you need, and if you do, please help us improve our list with your suggestions.

Teachers always report if you are missing classes, understandably. So there might be two scenarios you will come upon. First is not telling your parents in advance that you are going to miss classes. In that case, you need a good excuse for why teachers reported you. Another option is making a good excuse in advance. Each case needs a good excuse, or, in other words – a lie. Be prepared, this task is much harder than homework that you can just pay someone to do.

12 Good Excuses for Missing Class to Tell Your Parents


There are many valid reasons to miss school. Of course, the most usual one would be faking sickness. Although it’s the most used one, it is probably the most reliable one. No one wants to force you to go to school if you have diarrhea or the flu, which can be transmitted to others as well.

Other excuses not to go to school besides being sick, need to be thought out very carefully and delivered very self-confidently. So, making excuses is probably not for everyone, especially if you don’t have a good backup. In your teachers’ eyes, there could be many valid reasons for leave or absence from school. These could include family issues, sports activities, etc. The things teachers do not have good insight into. However, these things will not go well with parents.

It is always easier thinking of excuses to stay home from school for teachers than for parents. First, it’s because you might have your parents as proof of your sincerity, and second, it is much easier lying people who don’t know you that well. On the matter of excuses for missing lectures, we might recommend you going through 10 Good Excuses for Missing Class in High School and College, since today we will be focusing on legitimate reasons to miss school to tell your parents.

In order to get some recommendations on good excuses for missing class to tell your parents, as well as excuses for missing school for a day, we went through some advice students already tried out on their parents. So, we got some insights from Girls ask Guys, Yahoo Answers, Quora and KillerMovies. We did find a lot of simple advice there, but, apparently, they worked! So, we picked up some of the most commonly approved excuses.

However, your parents went to school once as well, which means that probably all of these excuses might sound somewhat familiar to them. They might accept them as such, or won’t let you go away with them. Anyway, it’s worth trying some of the good excuses for missing class to tell your parents. Let’s take a look at them, shall we?

12. Missing School Bus

This one is somewhat a weak excuse since it would leave explaining yourself why and how you couldn’t manage to wake up on time, etc. Which would open the discussion on how irresponsible you are and so on. But, it worked, so you might try this one out if you are brave enough.

11. Headache

Headache is among the most classic excuses. But even your parents can’t tell if you really have a headache or you are faking, so this is one of the good excuses for missing class to tell your parents.

10. Teacher didn’t show up

If you did get out of the house, but missed some of your classes, you could try explaining to your parents that, simply, the teacher did not show up.

9. Forgot to check in

Again, if you left the house, but did not go to school, and your parents found that out, you can try telling them you just forgot to check in that day.

12 Good Excuses for Missing Class to Tell Your Parents

Pixabay/Public Domain

8. “Girl” problems

Sorry boys, this only works with girls. Girls will know how periods can be painful and unpleasant sometimes. Why not make a good excuse for missing class out of it?

12 Good Excuses for Missing Class to Tell Your Parents


7. Very tired due to insomnia

There can be multiple reasons for insomnia, including worry, exhaustion, and other mental states. It happens from time to time, and can serve as a good excuse for your parents for missing school.

6. Stomach problems

Diarrhea. Yes, just as headache it can always be a good excuse for missing class to tell both to parents and teachers as well.

5. Unfinished homework

If you are a good student, you can tell your parents there was a load of homework you had to do, and simply did not have enough time to finish it, and now you are afraid of getting bad grades for this.

12 Good Excuses for Missing Class to Tell Your Parents

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.com

4. Forgot about the test

You can say you have an important test, and you just remembered it. It is better to miss the test than to get a bad grade instead, right?

12 Good Excuses for Missing Class to Tell Your Parents


3. Preparing for the test

Now, as the previous excuse, this one also seems like a legit one. Only, this time you remembered the test which is due in several days, but you really want to prepare it well, and need some more time for it.

2. Helping friend in trouble

Your friend had an urgent situation, broke an arm, got sick, fainted, and what not. You were the only there to help him/her, and for this reason, you had to miss some classes.

12 Good Excuses for Missing Class to Tell Your Parents


1. Be honest

You probably did not expect honesty to be at the top of good excuses for missing class to tell your parents. But, your parents are the people who know you best, and honesty will not only make your relation more trustworthy, but you will have a good backup for missing school as well.