12. It is OK to cheat on a test
As long s you don’t get caught. It does sound funny, but let me tell you something: If you need to cheat on a test, then you’re being tested on your memory and not your comprehension of the subject, and that’s just a big pile of bull. I don’t like to think so much cheating, as rather a “memory aid”. Tests should judge our understanding of the matter; forcing student’s to learn things by heart and making them write a page long answer is pointless. They’ll learn it, yes, but unless they have a privileged memory, they’ll probably forget it all in a year’s time.
Take math: for example: it is absolutely ludicrous that we’re not allowed to have a piece of paper with the formulas you need, if you don’t know how to use them you are going to fail anyway, so why make life harder for those who actually understand that crap; isn’t that the important thing? How is remembering it identically going to help? It’s not going to make them “cheaters in life”, that’s silly.
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”
Albert Einstein said that. Or was it Richard Feynman? Maybe it was just a random guy on the internet. The point is: WHO CARES? If you got the point, then you’re good to pass.
