Let’s take ourselves into the science of genetics as we tackle 12 examples of genetically modified food. Science has taken us into improvements and realms of opportunity that we have previously thought impossible. One of these popular fields that have come to the surface and were applied to different aspects of our lives is genetics. Genetics is simply put, a study of the features and characteristics of living things. There has been some debate about the extent of the study and experimentation of Genetics. The field has really made significant progress over the years in improving our lives, from being able to cure previously helpless human diseases and loss to improving and ensuring the safety and prosperity in terms of our food.
Yes genetics has been one of the factors for the best food we’ve had today, from preserved and enhanced food like fruits and vegetables, to being able to protect and remove plants from parasites and unhealthy variations. We actually have a lot more genetically modified food in our lives than we expect. Now if you’re looking for other aspects of genetic modification, be sure to check out the list of the 5 fascinating examples of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
What types of food do you believe are genetically modified? Let’s take a look at the examples here in our list.
12. Soy
Soy is one of the products that have been modified the most, from having resistance to certain viruses to even accessing other plants for genetic implants. One of the more significant modifications done to soy is the removal and reduction of fatty acids and protein, especially since there are certain characteristics of their genetic make-up that produces unnecessary odors.
11. Papaya
One of the earliest to receive genetic modifications, the ones done to the papaya were for a good cause. The main cause for problems for the papaya was the Ringspot Virus which would either destroy crops or cause harm to consumers. GM papayas are approved in the world except for Europe.
10. Corn
Corn has received a number of modifications in order to become agriculturally better as some would say. Corn has received changes in order to kill insects and also resist insecticide. A lot of these strains were mainly used for animal feed.
9. Flour
Genetic modification has been used in flour for different reasons, one of which is the reason why we see a lot of different varieties in flour today, like reduced fat and oil etc. A lot of bakeries and restaurants using flour and wheat mainly like some varieties of modifications that improve texture, taste and longevity.
8. Starch
Another product that has been modified mainly due to its number of uses and applications – starch can be used, not only as food, but as a reactive agent and is one of the main components for pharmaceutical products. Starch often receives a modification to resist changes in external factors like heat and cold.
7. Sugar
Sugar or the sugar beet, has been receiving modifications to resist weeds and insects, this allows sugar to cultivate properly and be distributed at a faster rate.
6. Vegetable Oil
Due to the many uses of vegetable oil there have been various modifications to it like reducing protein for certain products and outcomes. Another modification that is popular is for the increase in oil production in order to be able to cope up with demand.
We still have more food to check out in this list of 12 examples of genetically modified food.
5. Cheese
Cheese would be very expensive if it weren’t for genetic modification. Modifications allow the bacteria that produce cheese to intensify and increase, resulting in more production and harvesting of cheese.
4. Tomato
Tomato modifications were mainly used agriculturally, due to the number of problems farmers had to endure when growing tomatoes. Most of these modifications are familiar, like the resistance to insecticide, longevity, growth and increase in production.
3. Golden Rice
There would be no golden rice if it was not for genetic modification. Genetic modification in rice allowed a certain protein to produce substantially resulting in the golden color and what many would call healthier rice.
2. Zucchini
Zucchini’s wouldn’t have been as big or as many as they are today without genetic modification. Original zucchinis were small and few, but with advancements they are as what we know them today.
1. Milk
Another product which would have been scarce and expensive would be milk. Genetic modification has allowed milk to be produced more, giving cows the necessary things to be able to spur and produce more milk. Better milk products have also been created with advancements in removing harmful bacteria and improving milk’s longevity.
There you have it the 12 examples of genetically modified food. Most, if not all of these products are actually common in our households, showing that genetic modifications are actually not as uncommon as we thought.