If you are considering getting into nursing school, then you will find this article very useful as we have found the 12 easiest nursing programs with the highest acceptance rates to get into.
With the rapidly increasing patient population and changes to the health care system, there is a constant demand for qualified health care specialists. And, that’s why nowadays universities are feeling the pressure to graduate students who will meet the expectations of the increasingly challenging labor market demands.

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Let’s be honest, nursing can be an advantageous career path for many, but it might not be for everyone. Admission to nursing schools has become highly competitive over the last years. That’s why we saw necessary to make a list of the easiest nursing programs with the highest acceptance rates to get into. Fortunately, there are over 2000 nursing schools in the United States to choose from. The highest concentration of nursing schools is in the state of California with 314. Are you wondering which are the easiest colleges to get into in California? Some of them are Mount St. Mary’s College with an 81% acceptance rate and the California State University-Fresno with a 59% acceptance rate. Read more about these colleges in our article 10 least competitive nursing schools in America.
Grades are a considerable factor in determining your college options. For an average student, colleges with 40-50 percent acceptance rates seem more approachable. Among those are the Ohio State University with 49% acceptance rate and George Washington University with 46%. But just as with other college applications, it’s always important to pay close attention at each school’s admission requirements and prepare the most compelling application you can.
To find the right school, you need time to investigate and research what each school has to offer. If during the research process many schools are a good fit, by all means, apply to them all. The more schools you apply to, the higher the chances of being accepted. While sorting the list of nursing schools, one crucial fact to consider is the tuition cost. Many of the easiest nursing programs with the highest acceptance rates to get into are private schools. The cost of studying in some of them can be very high and being elected for financial aid might not be that easy. But don’t get discouraged, there are plenty of cheap colleges with high acceptance rates. One of them is CUNY Lehman College in Bronx, NY. Its net tuition cost is around $2,237 and has an acceptance rate of 40%. It looks great if you wish to stay in the Big Apple. You can find out more about nursing schools in New York City in our article 7 easiest nursing schools to get into in NYC.
Among other colleges with low tuition costs are other good universities with high acceptance rates such as Texas A&M International University. Its tuition cost is of around $10,176 per year and an acceptance rate is of 67%. Texas A&M is one of the few institutions in the nation to hold the triple designation as a land-grant, sea-grant, and space-grant university. Another example is Kent State University; its tuition cost is $10,012 per year and it has an acceptance rate of 85%. Kent State University is considered among the nation’s top 80 public research universities by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
So, don’t get the idea that because a school is less selective that it’s academically less competitive. There are plenty of colleges that are easy to get into but good. For instance, there is the University of Akron; it has an acceptance rate of 93%. This university has a Carnegie high research activity classification. Another example is the Kansas State University in Manhattan with an acceptance rate of 95%. It was named by the Wall Street Journal #12 university in the nation for improving students’ critical thinking skills the most. These colleges can also be considered the easiest nursing schools to get into, and they are prestigious entities that have lots to offer to the students who want to take advantage of their education.
It’s a known fact that American colleges and universities are preferred by international students, because of the level of education that they offer. Over 250 American universities and colleges feature in the top worldwide. That is one of the reasons why the rate of international students in the U. S. is rising year after year, although most of the colleges and universities offer limited vacancies for foreigners. Do you want to find out which are universities with high acceptance rates for international students? One of them is the University of Cincinnati; it offers an acceptance rate of 94% for international students. Another one is Colorado State University with an acceptance rate of 96% for international students. It doesn’t mean that these schools provide an easy admission for international students, as every applicant needs to comply with the curricular demands. However, these universities open a higher number of spots for international students rather than others in the country.
For our list of the 12 easiest nursing programs with the highest acceptance rates to get into we have consulted the rankings for nursing schools with high acceptance rates from College Resource Network. Then, we have narrowed the list using the academic difficulty levels provided by College Simply. Without further ado, we present you our ranking of the 12 easiest nursing programs with the highest acceptance rates to get into: