If you are eager to learn a new language, you better take a look at the easiest new languages to learn for English speakers. Even though English is one of the most spoken languages in the world, it is always good to know one or two more.
But, first, is there the easiest language to learn in the world? Well, it really depends on various things. On a person’s ability and preference to learn new languages, and, more importantly, their mother tongue. So, even though you might hear that Spanish or Italian are among the easiest, you should be aware that all depends on a person.

So, this brings us to the important matter. Does the success of learning another language depend mostly on your mother tongue? Well, certainly, since every group of languages have different logic, tenses, adjectives, pronounces, etc. So, for example, the easiest language to learn for Hindi speakers would be Punjabi, Marathi or Urdu. Or, say, the easiest language to learn for Chinese speakers would probably be Korean. But this certainly doesn’t stand for European language speakers. Let’s take Spanish speakers, for example, since Spanish is also one of the most widespread languages. And for this issue, we have dedicated the whole topic, so take a look at our – 7 Easiest Languages to Learn for Spanish Speakers.
As for English, which is one of the 6 Most Common Second Language in Europe, it can be said that it is the most demanding language nowadays. But, is English easy to learn? Well, since it has no gender and word agreement and no cases, it has very simple grammar comparing to many other languages. Because of this, the hardest languages to learn for English speakers are precisely those with gender and cases. So, Finnish and Hungarian would certainly be on the top of the list.
We have already made similar research as today and wrote about 11 Easiest Second languages to Learn for English Speakers, so may want to take a look at them as well. But, we are not dealing with only one language now. We encourage you to learn more, and for this, we will present some of the easiest new languages to learn for English speakers.
We wanted to get the information on the easiest new languages to learn for English speakers in the places that actually deal with languages. So we turned to websites for learning languages, such as Babbel or FluentU. We have also checked the opinions of people on easiest languages to learn for English speakers on Reddit and Quora as well. Then, we searched for the language difficulty (or, how many hours of studying you need to pass a certain level) and got information about it on About World Languages. And this is how we ranked the languages you will see on our list.
So, let’s check out what are the easiest new languages to learn for English speakers: