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12 Countries with Most Prisoners Per Capita

In this article, we will take a look at the 12 countries with the most prisoners per capita

The United States has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. It has around 22 million people behind bars at any given time. According to Wise Voter, the US state with the highest prison population is Texas, followed by California, and Florida. The US state with the lowest prison population is Vermont, followed by Maine and North Dakota. White Americans make up most of the prison population in the United States at 57.4%. Black Americans make up 38.6%, whereas Native Americans make up 2.6% of the prison population. At 17.6%, inmates aged 36 to 40 make up for most of the prison population by age. In addition, a staggering 93.2% of the prison population comprises males. At about 44.4%, the most common cause leading to incarceration is drug offenses, followed by weapons explosives and arson (21.8%), and Sex offenses (12.3%). 

The high incarceration rate in America comes at a great financial cost to the country. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, these mass incarcerations cost the United States an estimated $182 billion. These costs include the expenses of running public correction agencies, Judicial and Legal costs, healthcare, and policing. However, the prison industry also generates substantial economic output. The industry also comprises private prison management companies, which operate prisons on behalf of the government. Some prisons also offer employment for the inmates in the form of labor. Many private companies are associated with the prisons and generate substantial profits. Inmates are often utilized for labor extensive work such as crop harvesting, cloth manufacturing, and packaging. Some public companies are also associated with prison and their stocks. , known as prison stocks, are traded publically in the stock market. These companies include Corecivic, Inc. (NYSE:CXW), Serco Group plc (OTC:SCCF), and The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO). More recently though, the Biden administration has barred the federal government from giving contracts to private prison companies. While this executive order is expected to have some effect on prison stocks, it will not have significant effect on some of the best prison stock companies. This is because they generate less than 25% of their revenue from federal prison contracts. 

Iit is also true that some companies make unfair profits from the incarcerated population. Telephone companies that provide services to prison often charge a premium for their services. However, more recently some nonprofit companies have emerged, and they are aiming at disrupting the prison phone industry. One such company is Ameelio, which is offering free video conferencing technology to incarcerated people. The company has signed contracts with the state prison systems in Colorado and Iowa for a pilot testing phase. 

Some popular companies also use prison inmates for labor. It is especially common for retail companies such as Walmart, Inc. (NYSE:WMT) to utilize prison labor for manufacturing, changing barcodes, and packaging. In addition, McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE:MCD) also uses the prison population for packaging frozen items and cutting potatoes. 

High incarceration rates lead to overcrowded prisons, which is dangerous for its inmates. Some of the prisons owned by the United States are among the most dangerous prisons in the world. Some cells in prisons meant to house ten inmates have been reported to hold over 100 people. Overcrowding not only exhausts the prison staff but also creates friction between inmates. In the United States, reports of illegal torture in prison are quite common. In 2009, there were reports of repeated use of chemical agents to counter the disruptive behavior of mentally ill inmates in Florida. In 2003, 17 female inmates in New York sought justice for sexual assault from prison guards. In 2007, reports of the death of a diabetic inmate named Patrick Cavanaugh due to the lack of medical attention in one of Nevada’s prisons emerged. In addition, many mentally ill inmates are often put into solitary confinement, which worsens their mental conditions. In our list of the most prisoners per capita, there is a correlation between the rule of law and the incarceration rate (barring the United States). Generally, the worse the rule of law, the higher the incarceration rate in the country. Another correlation can be seen in terms of the human rights crisis. Countries torn by war and discrimination have a higher percentage of their population behind bars. The only exception to this rule is when a country or a territory has a very low population. Another interesting thing that came out with our research was the fact that most countries with high percentage of inmate populations have a significant portion of people awaiting trials. 


We curated our list of the 12 countries with the most prisoners per capita by looking at the latest incarceration rates from several online sources. We looked at prisoners per 100,000 people, which is a standard way of measuring incarceration rates. When countries are ranked by prisoner per 100,000, they are also ranked for prisoner per capita. 

12 – Uruguay 

Prisoners per 100,000 – 408

Uruguay has one of the highest prisoner populations in Latin America, and its incarceration rate is increasing. In 2016, the country had an incarceration rate of 297 prisoners per 100,000, which is now at 408 prisoners per 100,000. One of the reasons for this increase is the application of longer custodial sentences in the country and the creation of new types of infractions. Prisons in Uruguay currently operate at a 130% capacity. However, its authorities have recently created a prison reform plan called the “Dignity Plan,” which aims to alleviate the overcrowding situation in prisons. This plan will also work to improve building infrastructure and introduce health and wellness initiatives. 

11 – Bahamas

Prisoners per 100,000 – 409

It may be surprising to see the Bahamas in the list of countries with the most prisoners per capita, given that it has a population of 407,906 people as of 2021. The country has only one prison, which is reported to be overcrowded, with a prison density of 162%. The country also has a homicide rate of 32 per 100,0000. There is a moderate use of drugs in the country, and cannabis is produced and consumed locally. In addition, the country is also along the trade routes of various cocaine markets. More recently, it has seen a rise in cyber-dependent crimes, with individuals and government institutions increasingly targeted. 

10 – Thailand

Prisoners per 100,000 – 411

72% of all inmates in Thailand are incarcerated for drug-related offenses. The country has one of the toughest drug laws. Distribution of drugs can even result in the death penalty. However, Thai prisons are overcrowded as, according to reports, each inmate gets only a 2.25-meter surface area for sleeping. Thai prisons are currently reported to have an occupancy of 224%, which is one of the highest in the world. Some sleeping dormitories in Thailand’s prisons do not have beds, and the inmates have to sleep on the floor. These overcrowded conditions often lead to the rapid spread of diseases, which are rampant in Thai prisons.

9 – Palau

Prisoners per 100,000 – 428

Palau is one of the least populated countries in the world as it had around 18,024 people as of 2021. While the country only has 86 prisoners, its low population means that it has a high incarceration rate. The country only has one prison facility, with a prison density of 148%. However, despite the high prison density, prisoners in the country do not face any significant issues.   

8 – Virgin Islands (UK)

Prisoners per 100,000 – 477

The Virgin Islands also have a low population count of 105,870 as of 2021. More recently, reports of brutality against prisoners in the Virgin Islands have emerged. In 2018, a prisoner was choked unconscious by a corrections officer upon complaining that he found a cockroach in his food. 

7 – Panama

Prisoners per 100,000 – 478

Panama has a population of more than four million people and has 24 prisons. It has a prison density of 116%, which is overcrowded but better than some other countries. However, there are frequent reports of prisoners living in makeshift cells that have grimy conditions and limited medical attention. One of the pressing issues with Panama is that it has a high pre-trial detention rate. A report by the Open Society Foundation in 2014 found that its pre-trial detention rate is the highest in the world. According to the activists and lawyers in the country, more than 60% of the prison population has not been sentenced.  

6 – United States

Prisoners per 100,000 – 505

Up until recently, the United States had the highest incarceration rate in the world. While incarceration rates and prison population in the country have declined in the past few years, it remains sixth in the list of countries with the most prisoners per capita. Some people believe that the over-criminalization of drugs is one of the reasons for the high prison population in the United States. This is corroborated by the fact that one of the most common reasons for incarcerations is drug-related offenses. Another reason for the high prison population is pre-trial arrest. Most of the people in the jail are awaiting trial. Many people detained in jail cannot afford their bail, which is typically in thousands of dollars. 

5 – Cuba

Prisoners per 100,000 – 510

Cuba has one of the highest inmate populations, making it the fifth country with the most prisoners per capita. In addition, Prisons in Cuba are some of the most dangerous in the world. The country runs a Russian-style pentary system which is known to inflict violence and torture on the inmates. There are often reports of physical and psychological torture in the prison. A large proportion of the prison population are political prisoners, who are especially tortured if they speak against the government and its economic policies. In addition, solitary confinement is quite common in Cuban prisons. There are also often reports of using starvation as a method of torture in the prisons. 

4 – American Samoa

Prisoners per 100,000 – 538

American Samoa is a US territory with a population of only 45,035 as of 2021. The territory has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, and it has only one overly crowded prison. Like the United States, the greatest reason for incarceration in the territory is drug-related crimes. In addition, drug abuse is also a rampant issue within the prison facility. More recently, the use of Methamphetamine has increased in the territory, leading to an increase in violent crimes. Reports of jail abuse in the prison a frequent, with prisoner beating being the most common ones. 

3 – Turkmenistan

Prisoners per 100,000 – 576

Turkmenistan has one of the highest prison populations. According to Prison Studies, the occupancy level of prisons in Turkmenistan is 85%. However, this estimate is based on official figures, and many experts believe that its prisons are far more crowded. The country does not allow human rights activists to visit its prisons, and it is also closed to international observers. There have been reports of severe torture and violent disappearances of prisoners in Turkmenistan. In addition, prisoners have often complained about prison conditions in the country, including a lack of medical attention.  

2 – Rwanda

Prisoners per 100,000 – 580

Rwanda is second on the list of the countries with the most prisoners per capita. The country has only thirteen correctional facilities, which are usually overcrowded with prisoners. Reports of torture and abuse in the prison are quite common. In 2022, a prominent Rwandan Youtuber accused prison authorities of beating him along with others. Rwanda has a history of politically motivated trials, leading to the imprisonment of journalists and opposition. These prisoners are subjected to increased torture. In addition, its military frequently detains, tortures, and detains people. It even uses electric shocks and stage mock executions. The military also uses detention torture to extract confessions from political opponents. 

1 -El Salvador

Prisoners per 100,000 – 605

El Salvador has the highest number of prisoners per capita. Recently, the country has imprisoned 1.6% of its population under President Nyib Bukele’s crackdown against gangs. Currently, it is imprisoning people at triple the rate of the United States, making its prisoner population one of the largest in the world. The government just built a mega prison meant to accommodate 40,000 prisoners, who are found guilty of organized gang violence, which is one of the severe issues the country faces. However, according to human rights activists, this state of emergency portrayed by the government has also been used to make arbitrary arrests. In addition, there are reports of ill-treatment against detainees and deaths in custody. The country has a history of death in custody. In 2022, at least 153 people died in custody after a gang crackdown. 

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Disclosure: None.12 Countries with Most Prisoners Per Capita is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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