12 Controversial Medical Topics for Research Paper

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3. Is Euthanasia a Crime?

The definition of euthanasia, which ranks 3rd on our list of controversial medical topics for research paper, is the practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain and suffering. But is it really a mercy or a crime? There is still much debate about whether euthanasia is murder or not and it is one of the most intriguing ethical, medical, and legal issues today. The three major religions, Catholic, Orthodox, and Islamic agree that euthanasia is a crime and strongly oppose the practice. Euthanasia is legally punishable in some countries, but while it is considered to be murder in some countries, it is perfectly legal in others, provided that prescribed conditions are fulfilled. The debate whether or not euthanasia should be legalized does not subside, and both the supporters and opponents continue to provide strong arguments. This is something to think about.

12 Controversial Medical Topics for Research Paper


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