12 Best Quality Most Expensive Professional Digital Cameras

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2. Hasselblad H5D-200c

Price: $45,000

Hasselblad keeps raising the bar when it comes to capturing high-quality photos. Hasselblad H5D-200c can produce 200MP files thanks to the system that combines six shots into one. ISO can go up to 6400 and dynamic range of 14 stops makes this camera good for almost any type of photography. With this camera even low light photography is much easier. This model added additional viewfinder options with an interchangeable waist-level viewfinder which is ideal for creative photographers who wish to keep an eye contact with their models or creating photos from a lower point than eye-level. Whether the price is justifiable or not, judge for yourself.

12 Best Quality Most Expensive Professional Digital Cameras

Pixabay/Public Domain

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