If you want to know what we humans are doing to our only home, then check out our list of 12 best environmental documentaries on YouTube.
For a long time, people have neglected the fact that we are hurting our planet. All the signs were there, but for some reason, the majority of the population failed to recognize just how hazardous are our actions to the environment we live in. This ignorance led to numerous problems we are facing now, and with whom the future generations will have to deal as well. Take a climate change for example. The polar caps are melting, the climate patterns are changing, but most of the world population is still unable to take a hint.

Global warming, air pollution, loss of biodiversity, ozone layer depletion, water contamination are just some of the direct consequences of human actions. Environmental documentaries are trying to shed some light on these and similar issues by introducing the severity of these problems to the public and trying to raise their awareness. This is the most important goal that environmental documentaries want to accomplish and they are making a significant result. Documentaries are more available and people gladly watch them. If you have a Netflix account, you can stop binge watching The Flash for an hour or two and check out these of 11 Best Environmental Documentaries on Netflix Streaming in 2015.
For a long time, it was up to independent filmmakers and small organizations to lead this war. Luckily, the things are changing and they are getting much-needed help. Just remember the impact of An Inconvenient Truth from Al Gore. This documentary alone has moved millions of people to take action and try to change things. Many people say that the documentary was a wake – up call and that only after they saw An Inconvenient Truth, they have realized the extent of the consequences that climate change is bringing. Also, there is Leonardo DiCaprio. After he had got his first Oscar after six nominations, he spent his award speech talking about climate change. His Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation is dedicated to environmental issues more than ever, and with his foundation, he is helping others to have their words heard. He too has recognized the importance of documentary movies, and made the documentaries The 11th Hour and Before The Flood that focus on the issue of climate change. With more people involved and willing to help the environment, the things are looking a bit brighter.
Now, let’s get to our list of 12 best environmental documentaries on YouTube. To find the list, we took the recommendations from Eluxe Magazine, Uproxx and New York Film Academy among others. Then we checked their availability on YouTube. The ones that were available for free in full on YouTube were ranked based on their IMDB rating. We have to note that some of them may not be uploaded with the author’s consent, so watch them while they are still available. Let’s make the planet green again!