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12 Best Eastern European Countries to Meet Women

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In this article, we will take a look at the 12 best Eastern European countries to meet women.

Strong, independent, and beautiful with a heart. These are only some of the many great characteristics of European women. In Europe, women are not actively pursuing men’s attention, but they tend to receive a lot of attention from men. A fact that can’t be denied about women in Europe is how they effortlessly and naturally embrace themselves, even with their perceived imperfections. They wholeheartedly accept themselves as they are, without striving to appear flawless.

European women are also slowly asserting dominance in many ways. The rise of female leaders as the new political norm in Eastern Europe has had a significant impact on the perceptions of residents in the region. A 2019 survey conducted across various Eastern European countries and territories revealed that a majority of respondents are optimistic about the prospect of a woman leading their country within the next 10 years. The shifting political landscape in Europe has fostered an atmosphere of hope and anticipation for further female leadership in the region.

Eastern European countries tend to hold more traditional views regarding gender roles and expectations. There is a distinct notion of the roles that men and women are supposed to embody, with corresponding expected behaviors for each gender. The traditional family dynamics are well-known and widely represented in movies and can also be gleaned from the experiences shared by one’s parents or grandparents. Family holds significant importance in Europe, and there is a prevailing belief in the value of building a strong family. The focus on family life remains an essential aspect of the culture, fostering a sense of commitment and dedication to the well-being of the family members.

Most Eastern European women strongly advocate for traditional family values. They take pride in embracing their femininity and value genuine masculinity in men. They believe that being a woman requires continuous dedication and effort, contrary to the notion of casually adopting the feminist label without caring about appearance. European women take pride in cooking for their man and view it not as discrimination but as a privilege to bring joy to their partner’s life.

Kamil Macniak/

Our Methodology

To compile our list of the 12 best Eastern European countries to meet women, we conducted extensive research and gathered insights from five independent sources (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Each country mentioned in these sources was given a point for consideration. By carefully analyzing the data, we were able to select the countries with the most points and picked the 12 best Eastern European countries to meet women. In this article, we did not intend to identify which country has the most beautiful girl in Europe or even the best hookup cities in Europe. The focus of this article revolves around the best European countries where you can meet, socialize, or sleep with women, ensuring a fulfilling experience without any regrets.

12 Best Eastern European Countries to Meet Women

12. Slovenia

In Slovenia, women may not be perceived as immediately warm and open-minded, but they are indeed friendly and highly supportive to foreigners once you get to know them. Slovenia is home to many women who undoubtedly catch the eye of people at any gathering. At first, Slovenian women might appear reserved and distant, but this perception isn’t always true. Their reserved behavior is often a result of shyness around strangers. However, once you initiate a conversation with them, you’ll quickly realize how genuinely friendly, kind, and warm they can be.

Slovenian women appreciate romance, flirting, and compliments from their partners. Unlike in other European countries, the average Slovenian girl is open to dating foreigners. However, it is crucial to note that playing with their feelings is a mistake one should not make. Slovenian girls are self-assured and know how to assert themselves in any circumstance.

11. Belarus

For those seeking a relaxed and casual night out, bars and nightclubs offer excellent opportunities to meet Belarusian women. With vibrant music and various activities, these venues provide the perfect setting to socialize and connect with Belarusian women from diverse backgrounds.

Belarusian women are known for their attractiveness, intelligence, and loyalty, making them excellent partners for anyone seeking a meaningful and committed relationship. Many possess a unique combination of a narrow chin, prominent cheekbones, and rosy cheeks, giving them a distinctive look.

Additionally, a considerable portion of Belarusian women are blessed with height and slim bodies. Belarusian women not only hold their looks in high regard but also boast full lips and petite noses, contributing to their overall charm.

10. Croatia

Croatia, located in southeastern Europe, is known for its stunning Adriatic coastline, and vibrant cultural traditions. Understanding and acknowledging these aspects can help forge a deeper connection with Croatian women.

Croatian women take immense pride in their country, and this is a crucial aspect to consider if you aspire to date them. Their strong sense of patriotism is evident, so having an appreciation for their country and demonstrating knowledge about Croatian culture can give you a significant advantage over other potential partners.

Friendliness and kindness are not mere choices, they are essential qualities among the majority of beautiful Croatian women. While it is not obligatory to be kind, there are no penalties for not being friendly. Nevertheless, a significant number of Croatian women exhibit kindness, tolerance, open-mindedness, and supportive attitudes, which contribute to the welcoming and warm nature of the people in the country.

9. Georgia

Georgian women play essential roles in their families and communities, and they actively strive for gender equality and breaking free from restrictive norms. Their resilience and determination contribute to the ongoing social progress in the country.

Georgian women display remarkable dedication and devotion to their families. However, they are not content with being in a secondary position compared to men. In fact, Georgian women often challenge customs and traditions that perpetuate gender inequality.

Georgian women may appear shy at first, but beneath their attractive exterior lies emotional depth. Once they fall in love, they wholeheartedly dedicate themselves to their partner and expect the same level of commitment in return. On the flip side, if they experience negative emotions like hate, their passion can be just as intense as it was when they were in love.

8. Hungary

Hungary has a rich history and cultural heritage. Hungarian women are an essential part of the country’s vibrant society, contributing to its progress and shaping its values. They hold a significant place in family life and are often the backbone of their households, providing love, care, and support to their loved ones. Hungarian women’s attitudes towards relationships reflect their commitment to equality and understanding, fostering a harmonious environment where both partners thrive together.

Hungarian women are known for their deep respect towards their male partners. With a supportive and caring nature, they are committed to building enduring and meaningful relationships. Their desire is to create bonds that stand the test of time. Emphasizing the importance of equality in marriages, Hungarian women advocate for relationships where neither partner seeks dominance over the other. Their belief in mutual respect and cooperation forms the foundation of their approach to love and partnership.

Hungarian ladies don’t feel the need to flaunt their intelligence, even though they are well-educated individuals. They don’t engage in showing off or trying to appear smarter than others. Interestingly, their intelligence naturally becomes apparent to others without any effort on their part. One of their notable qualities is being excellent listeners. Hungarian women are always ready to lend a helping ear to others, even if it means spending hours listening to someone’s problems. Remarkably, they never wear anyone out with excessive talking. Through their self-control, they know when to speak and when to pause, making them considerate and thoughtful conversationalists.

7. Russia

In Russian culture, there are distinct and robust notions surrounding femininity. Women are culturally expected to exude an image of refinement, maintaining a well-groomed appearance, and projecting a reserved demeanor that embraces traditional femininity. Emphasizing a feminine look is considered essential for women in Russian society.

These cultural expectations and perceptions of femininity play a significant role in shaping the behavior and appearance of women in Russian society.

6. Austria

Austrian women play an essential role in their society, contributing to the country’s social fabric with their caring and nurturing qualities. Their focus on family ties and their ability to create a harmonious home environment makes them sought-after companions for those desiring a fulfilling and meaningful family life.

Austrian women have a strong commitment to family values, prioritizing their loved ones above all else. Renowned for their warm and hospitable nature, they embrace a kind and welcoming character. Spending quality time with their family holds great importance for Austrian women, making them desirable partners for those seeking a dedicated and loving family life.

5. Serbia

Serbian single women are actively utilizing online services to find potential partners. If you have an interest in marrying a Serbian woman, consider visiting an international dating service designed to connect you from wherever you are, with Serbian singles seeking companionship.

Serbian women are known for their friendly and approachable nature. It is uncommon to encounter a complete turn down from a Serbian woman when engaging in social interactions with them. Their warm and welcoming behavior makes it easier for men to initiate conversations and build connections with them.


4. Greece

Greek women are known for their friendliness and hospitality, making it easy for many to connect with locals and form meaningful relationships. If you have a Greek friend, don’t hesitate to join them on night outings and meet their circle of friends. Similar to many other European countries, Greeks also utilize dating apps to meet new people and potential partners. Among the most popular dating apps in Greece are Tinder, Badoo, Bumble, and Hinge, offering various options for connecting with others and exploring romantic possibilities. You can check out our article, titled, 10 Easiest Ways to Get Laid on Tinder, to equip yourself with the perfect tools to make a lasting impression on potential matches!

Greek women also possess intelligence, grace, and a myriad of other admirable qualities. When describing the appearance of modern-day Greek women, one may be surprised to find slight variations in their features due to the intermingling of genes from different Greek tribes and other cultures. Greek women continue to embody a timeless beauty that is admired both within their nation and beyond its borders.

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