11 Worst States To Be An Animal

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4. Utah

Utah has plenty to be proud of, but not its anti-animal cruelty legislation isn’t among them. The state’s laws mention cruelty to animals whether intentional or not, aggravated cruelty to animals (intentional or not), as well as torture of companion animals. There are no mentions of how pets need to be housed, how farm animals need to be treated or how wild animals need to be treated. However, the state’s definition of “animal” refers to nonhuman vertebrate creatures, although the list does not include animals kept for agricultural, zoological, hunting, circus, rodeo or wildlife purposes, which is truly saddening.

The only type of offense that is considered a felony is torturing pets, and it is punished with up to 5 years in prison and/or $5,000 in fine.

11 Worst States To Be An Animal

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