11 Worst Governed Countries in The World

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1. North Korea

Score – 32

North Korea received scores on three different lists, all of them maximum – economic freedom, corruption and perceived corruption. According to different reports from the Heritage Foundation, Transparency International and more, North Korea is the perfect image for a totalitarian state – there is only corruption, at such levels that everyone is afraid to speak out and in such a manner that they don’t even see how wrong things are. At the same time, given all the restrictions imposed on the country, economic freedom isn’t really a possibility. Things aren’t exactly bright in North Korea and those who have escaped the regime there have spent a lot of time telling the rest of the world what they’ve been through. Whether it’s the truth or not, it will likely be a while before we actually find out. Until then, however, with the data we do have, North Korea managed to take the top spot among the 11 worst governed countries in the world.

11 Worst Governed Countries in The World

Viktoria Gaman / Shutterstock.com

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