Lists-News 11 Worst Drug Trafficking Countries in the World Published on February 16, 2018 at 11:31 am by Bojana Petković in Lists, News Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 3 of 11Next >>See All 9. Burma (Myanmar)With 55,500 hectares of poppy, it takes over Peru in the run for the largest number of drug cultivated hectares.Pixabay/ Public Domain Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 3 of 11Next >>See All SlideshowList XFinancehow safe is mexicoperu drug smugglingbolivia drug routesbelize drug addictionburma drug productionindia opium productionburma drug traffickingindia drug traffickingmexico drug traffickingColombia drug addictionbelize drug traffickingbolivia drug traffickingjamaica drug traffickingpakistan drug traffickingdeadliest countries worldmost lawless country worldcolombia drug traffiickingguatemala drug traffickingjamaica cannabis productioncolombia cocaine productionAfghanistan drug traffickingtop drug trafficking countriestop 5 drug producing countrieslargest drug producing countriesmost drug addicted city in Indiacountries with highest crime rateslist of countries drug traffickingWhat country supplies the most drugsdeadliest countries in the world 2017safe south american countries to visitcountry with biggest drug problems 2017most drug addicted countries in the worldWhat country has the most drug traffickingWhat are the major drug trafficking countries11 worst drug trafficking countries in the world8 Countries That Produce The Most Illegal Drugs In the WorldShow more...Show less Related Insider Monkey Articles11 Best Alcoholic Drinks for Diabetics Type 1 or Type 216 Funny Online Dating First Message Examples That Get Responses16 Popular Green Business Ideas with Low Investment10 Makeup Companies That Still Test On Animals in 201716 Highest Suicidal States in America in 2018Seven Cryptocurrencies That Pay Dividends