11 Worst Countries for Journalists in 2015

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8. Saudi Arabia

Score – 13

Ranking 164th on the World Press Freedom Index, Saudi Arabia isn’t exactly the best country to be a journalist. The country also landed on the third spot on the list of the world’s most censored countries, the nations where the media’s voice is strangled by those in power.

Things have gotten so bad in the past few years, post-Arab Spring, that the press law now punishes the publication of any materials that contravene sharia, promote any kind of foreign interests, go against public order, affect national security, enable criminal activity or impinge on state interests. Basically, anything you say could be judged in a way that could get you in jail. What’s more, it’s not just television and traditional press that’s being censored, but also the Internet, with the General Commission for Audiovisual Media taking on the job of monitoring online content, as well as YouTube videos to make sure the Saudi contributors respect the imposed rules. Many journalists have been imprisoned by the Saudi officials.

11 Worst Countries for Journalists in 2015

Fedor Selivanov/Shutterstock.com

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