11 Worst Countries for Journalists in 2015

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1. Eritrea

Score – 30

This African country is the worst place in the world where you could practice journalism. Eritrea ended up at the bottom of the list from Reporters Without Borders regarding freedom of the press, but also on that regarding media censorship. In fact, it’s pretty hard to be a journalist in this country as the only media that is allowed is state owned. Since not even international correspondents are allowed, you can get a pretty clear image of the situation there. Things are even worse as the media representatives fear for their lives as many are jailed without even being taken to court to explain their actions. In fact, out of all African nations, Eritrea has the most jailed journalists.

Some have gone into exile and try to independently report the truth over the Internet, but the state has a tight leash on the Internet too, jamming the signals or taking down Internet access altogether. Even so, according to the UN International Telecommunication Union, less than one percent of the population even bothers going online as it is. Overall, Eritrea is by far the nation that tops the list of the 11 worst countries for journalists in 2015.

11 Worst Countries for Journalists in 2015

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