11 Worst Cities for People with Asthma in America

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4. Detroit, MI

Out of all the cities on the list, Detroit is probably one that you were expecting to see on the chart of the 11 worst cities for people with asthma in America. Stats indicate that over 16 percent of adults in Detroit suffer from asthma while the prevalence rate for children sits at a sad 14.8 percent. In fact, the issue is so bad among children that issues caused by asthma are the most used to justify school absenteeism.

While Detroit has no issues with the pollen score, it has quite a few problems with air quality. The lax laws regarding smoking in public aren’t helping matters all that much, either.

The number of people suffering from asthma in Detroit is quite high, with the number of reported ER visits for medical problems related to this chronic illness growing. Unfortunately, the number of specialists for respiratory diseases keeps dropping, so it doesn’t look like there’s any ray of the sunshine on this town’s streets.

11 Worst Cities for People with Asthma in America

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