11 Worst Cities for People with Asthma in America

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6. Augusta, GA

We’re up to number six and things are bound to get ugly from here on out, or “uglier” if you want to be more specific. Augusta, Georgia, is a bad place for you if you’re asthmatic, proof being all the people dying from this disease, including innocent children. The high pollen stats are partially at fault for the flare-ups of those ill, but they’re not the only cause.

The city’s anti-smoking laws are laughable at best, and the efforts to, at least, ban smoking in public places have failed in recent years. That means that second-hand smoking is still an issue in this city, and it’s one that seems to have absolutely no cure.

Furthermore, the city also has a high poverty rate, while the number of people that have no medical insurance is astounding. On the other hand, the number of ER visits for asthma-related issues seems to be growing, and so is the use of quick relief meds and control medicine.

11 Worst Cities for People with Asthma in America

Sean Pavone/Shutterstock.com

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