2. Elevator Repair
Why would you bother with going to an engineering college, slogging through all that math and probably ruining yourself with student debt, when you can drop out from a high school and become an elevator repairman? You will earn far more repairing them than the guy who designed them. Plus, he is still paying off a student debt, while you can blow all your money on hooker and coke, theoretically speaking of course. The job does carry a certain amount of risk and it certainly won’t make your mother eager to tell all her friends in a church about it, like her friend Ethel who keeps bragging about her son the doctor, but you can be sure that you will have far more fun than Ethel’s boy. Just think of all that hookers and coke, theoretically speaking. Now, let’s see the number one on our list of weird jobs that make over $100000 a year.

Dmitry Kalinovsky/Shutterstock.com