It’s time to get fit with the 11 thinnest skinniest fittest countries in the world. Working out is good for you whether or not you host a reality show about weight loss. It is difficult to dispute the benefits of exercise–even just hearing about them makes you want to start running… away from whomever is speaking. But, one good thing about exercise is that there are so many different forms. There is bound to be something for everyone, even if it’s just taking the stairs, stroll to the corner, some stretching, or whatever people do on those two-wheeled contraptions I see speckled all over the city.
Certainly, many people don’t have the time to solely devote hours to working out. Time is money and nobody has enough of a surplus to be dumping it all on jumping jacks. You don’t need a freaky intense trainer. Don’t make exercise that much more difficult by having to be near someone who majored in the gym. Many of the healthiest countries are that way because the lifestyle of their citizens is more active. Find ways to incorporate exercise into the things you actually enjoy doing or at least already have to do. You have a ton of important stuff to think about–working out should be a no-brainer–because someone with literally no brain can do it. That’s how I know you can too.

Still, even the healthiest countries in the world have problems related to obesity and overweight folks. We can assume that the large and developed countries have the most of these problems because the food is available to everyone. But is it really so? No, because people in the poor countries and countries that have undeveloped regions are also overweight–even more so than some developed countries.
The reason for this is that people in these places eat very unhealthy or junk food that is cheap in order to survive. Food with a lot of sugar and fat is very cheap, and also the number one enemy of health–take a look at these 12 Unhealthiest Countries in The World. As we saw in this article, Kazakhstan is marked as the least healthy country in the world with the obesity rate of 58.8. That also means that half population in this country is obese. The governments of the least healthy countries in the world have to face this problem, invest in solutions and ensure that individuals can afford a wide range of healthy foods, in addition to educating their population of obesity-related illness and diseases, promote healthiest diets, improve prevention, etc.
To be on the list of the 11 thinnest skinniest fittest countries in the world a nation which is thinnest, skinniest and fittest, the government and the people often put in efforts but also get lucky based on climate and cultural tendencies. For example, people in Germany eat a lot of sausages, but in Singapore which is the healthiest country in the world according to Bloomberg, people are more likely to eat fish in their meals. People in Singapore have a different approach to food. They usually talk about food quite a bit–it is a very frequent topic and having an abundance of fish which is a low-fat source of protein doesn’t hurt.
In order to find the healthiest country in the world or as you searched for the 11 thinnest, skinniest and fittest countries in the world, we relied on OECD Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development database which provides us very valuable information about overweight nations. To identify thinnest, skinniest and fittest countries in the world we have used bodyweight indicator, which shows us the percentage of the total overweight population for each country. To see what population mostly eat in those countries, we have provided the description about national cuisines and for that, we have used information from Google searches and from Indian Department of Education site.
Here is the list of 11 thinnest skinniest fittest countries in the world:
11. France
Obese population: 15.3%
On the last place in this list is France. The most frequently eaten food in France are baguettes, croissants, jam, eggs, cheese, meat, potatoes, and salads. Maybe because of croissants and jam, they ended up on the last place on the list.

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10. Denmark
Obese population: 14.9%
We are going to the northern country in the Europe to see how fit they are and the main reason for that. On the 10th place is Denmark. In this country, 14.9% population is obese. Which means that 85.1 % of people are considered fit or normal body sized people. The most frequently eaten food are meat, pork, mushrooms, fried and potatoes.

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9. Austria
Obese population: 14.7%
Austria is the 9th place. In this European country, people like to eat very healthy and expensive food. The most frequently eaten food in Austria is meat, pork, chicken, turkey, cheese, milk. So too much milk and meat. This food is mostly organic, but if consumed too much it can cause many healthy problems so it should not be eaten every day. This is the fact that Austrian people probably know and because of that, this country is on this list. Obese population in this country is 14.7%.

8. Sweden
Obese population: 14%
Sweden is the number 8. Obese population in this country is 14%. Swedish people are eating a lot of dairy products for example butter, cheese and milk. Those are consumed mostly for breakfast, but the rest of the day they usually eat meat, fish, and rice which is a pretty standard daily menu.

Iulian Valentin/
7. Belgium
Obese population: 14%
Belgium is the number 7 on this list of thinnest skinniest fittest countries in the world. This country has 14% of obese people. Let’s see what people from this country eat. Belgium cuisine is very similar to France’s national cuisine, with small differences which bring Belgium better position on the list. Although, they like to eat candies, chocolates and fried food they also consume high-quality organic vegetables from its production sector.

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6. Netherlands
Obese population: 13.3%
Because this country is very close to Belgium, people habits are very similar. Also, the culture and the national cuisine are also similar. This country has only 13.3 % people considered overweight.

5. Italy
Obese population: 10.3%
This is the middle of the 11 thinnest skinniest fittest countries in the world list and this position belongs to Italy. In this country 10.3% people are obese. This is a very good number for a European country. The most frequently eaten food in Italy is pasta, milk, bread, fresh vegetables, fish, meat, and salad.

WAYHOME studio/
4. China
Obese population: 7%
On the number 4 on our lsit of thinnest skinniest fittest countries in the world is China. This country has 7% of obese people. The food regime includes boiled eggs, nuts, a lot of fish, meat, vegetables and of course rice. Between the meals, they often drink tea.

Tom Wang/
3. Indonesia
Obese population: 5.7%
The third thinnest skinniest and fittest country in the world is Indonesia. In this country it’s only 5.7% of the population is obese. Indonesia cuisine is one of the most diverse cuisines in the world. The population eats a lot of healthy food like rice and vegetables.

Maksim Shmeljov/
2. India
Obese population: 5%
The second place on this list of thinnest skinniest fittest countries in the world is India. In India, meals are different from region to region because of different religious views and agricultural politics. In general, the most frequently eaten food is rice, vegetables, milk, cheese, and yogurt.

India Picture /
1. South Korea
Obese population: 2.6%
The first place of the 11 thinnest skinniest fittest countries in the world list is South Korea. The percentage of obese people is 2.6%. This is a very healthy nation and almost unrealistic percentage for modern world because there are a lot of tasty unhealthy cheap food. If you eat this kind of food you have to work out very much to stay in shape. Because there are only 2.6% of overweight people in South Korea we can conclude that they have a high degree of wealth to buy good food, strong discipline, strong will to be healthy, good food and overall good health.

Mark McElroy/