11 States that have Highest Rates of Surgical Procedures in America

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2. Michigan

All Surgical Discharges per 1,000 Medicare Enrollees 91.4

Michigan is the 34th state on America Health Ranking. Main health challenges which Michigan faces are high rates of excessive drinking, obesity, and smoking, so it isn’t a surprise that the rate of cardiovascular deaths is high. At the same time, HealthGrove claims that Michigan is the unhealthiest state because there is a number of diseases which are more common in Michigan than in the rest of America. The good news for Michigan’s residents is that pollution declined by 27 percents in last five years.

michigan, lake, sunset, historical, lake michigan, lighthouse, sunrise, grand haven lighthouse, light, port, old, great lakes region, dusk, building 11 States that have Highest Rates of Surgical Procedures in America

Larry Knupp/Shutterstock.com

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