Undocumented immigrants would be lucky if they were in the 11 states that give licenses to illegal immigrants as they would have driving privileges, which is better than no privileges at all. It has been estimated by the US Department of Homeland Security that at least “11.4 million illegal immigrants” were in the country in 2012. This number has declined from its peak of 12 million in 2007. With a big chunk of these immigrants being Catholics, it might be best if they reside in one of the 20 most religious cities in the United States which is located in one of the states that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Win-Win situation!

Minerva Studio/Shutterstock.com
Because these immigrants lack proper documentation, they do not have social security number and hence, cannot apply for state benefits or other benefits enjoyed by other properly-documented immigrants. Hence, these states that give licenses to illegal immigrants can only give out driver’s licenses. Besides driving, illegal immigrants cannot have any other license.
Insider Monkey searched the web for a list of states that give licenses to illegal immigrants, and we’ve found a number of websites that gave us this information. The New York Times, ImmigrationProCon provided us with the data that we needed. We arranged the states on our list starting with the state that has most recently allowed illegal immigrants to apply for driving licenses to come to the state that has been the first one to do it (only counting date of effectivity). As of December 26, 2015, there are only 11 states that give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, and the National Conference for State Legislature has listed two additional states which have passed laws granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants – Delaware and Hawaii – effective on December 27, 2015 and January 1, 2016, respectively.