11 Safest Cities in the World to Travel

We’re talking safety today; here is the list of the 11 Safest Cities in the Word To Travel.  The joy of travel and exploration surely widens our horizons. When we travel, we feel free and alive. Most of us have bucket lists, filled with places we wish to visit and explore. Sometimes, those places might be difficult to access, or might be considered dangerous or unsafe. It’s all in the eye of the beholder. Someone might find a destination unsafe and dangerous, and others might enjoy there and say it’s great, completely safe.

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This can apply to our list of 5 most gang infested cities in America, where cities from the list might seem dangerous, but when you meet them, they can prove the opposite. On the other hand, there are places that are marked safe, and delightful to visit; our list today will lead you through the best cities to explore if you don’t want to worry about your belongings or your loved ones. Here is the list of the 11 safest cities in the world to travel, ranked by security score.

11. Hong Kong, China

Considering overall safety, Hong Kong is #11 on our list, but this doesn’t mean it’s unsafe, on the contrary, digital security is rigorous, and security measures keep improving daily, since the government brought laws to improve the fight against crime. An interesting fact – the police department is hiring people almost every day.


10. New York, the US

Sometimes considered as unsafe, the concrete jungle in the northeastern region in America can intimidate travelers. Nonetheless, law enforcement and various organizations work on improving the security of the city every day. People of New York had several polls answering questions about New York’s safety, and results show that in recent years there’s been a noteworthy progression. Long gone are the days of fear of homicides and terrorist attacks from 9/11; New York today is a safe and prosperous place.


9. Melbourne, Australia

Always mentioned in the lists of most desirable cities to visit, Melbourne shines in many aspects of lifestyle. Security is among them; this is the city with least crime rate in the world. Other security areas have a room for improvement, and Melbourne’s modern community work on improving it every day.


8. Toronto, Canada

The most populated city in Canada is often called “the best city to live in the world”. Overall quality of living here is super-high and Toronto’s inhabitants are among the happiest people in the world. Personal safety and infrastructure safety are the areas where Toronto shines the brightest.


7. Zurich, Switzerland

Switzerland is a country of prosperity and peace; this country never had any involvement in world wars. Head of developed financial sector, a city with incredible architecture and natural beauty, Zurich showcases only quality living. Security of the Zurich puts it on the 7th spot on our list of the safest cities to travel to.


6. Sydney, Australia

The most populated city in Australia is the second one from this country on our list. Personal safety is at high-level here, and people live in a diverse community full of tolerance. Digital security is the area where Sydney have a room for improvement, but this city is still an excellent place for living and visiting. A visit to Australia couldn’t be imagined without visiting Sydney.


5. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam is famous for the “Anything Goes” lifestyle and beliefs, big diversity and impressive nightlife. Many people with different sexual ethics and behavioral habits live in the judge free community, and their personal security is unquestionable. Amsterdam has a low crime rate, and a well-developed health protection system.


4. Stockholm, Sweden

Swedish capital has around 900,000 inhabitants in urban areas. Digital security is strong in Stockholm; in recent decades many bank cards identity theft and digital thievery forced big improvements in this sector. Universal healthcare, developed personal security, and high standard put Stockholm on #4 in our list of the safest cities in world to travel.


3. Osaka, Japan

The Asian capitals are the safest cities to live in the world. Osaka is first to mention, as the differences between first three places on our list are in small details. Aside culture and natural beauty, health, and personal safety are reasons many people move to live in Osaka.


2. Singapore City, Singapore

When we talk about personal safety, Singapore is #1 city in the world. Police department developed many sectors in recent years, and cut the crime level drastically. Next safety project in Singapore is aiming to put an end to digital crime This project is labeled as a project of making Singapore the “smart city”. Hygiene, health insurance, and laws against criminal activity make this city a superb #2 on our list.


1. Tokyo, Japan

13,3 million people live in the safest city to travel in the world, Tokyo. Security of digital assets, health, people and infrastructures is developed the highest here People in Tokyo contributed well in safety subjects, and with the combined effort of authorities, the overall safety in the city grew every year. If you’re looking for a city with entertaining attractions, interesting culture and customs, and safety in the first place, Tokyo is a city for you.
