In case you are looking to start a business but are weary of the recession, here are 11 recession-proof businesses you can start now! Start-ups are fun, especially when you are pursuing a passion or a skill that defines you, but recession can be a major nightmare for most businesses and can spell its early doom. Only very few businesses can take the blow and still stand tall. And, when you are setting up a new business it might be a good idea to look for options that inherently have a good defense mechanism against recession in the nature of the business itself.
So what exactly is a recession-proof business? Typically these are the ones which either boom even in a sluggish economy or just survive better than others. Of course, there might be losses but generally these businesses don’t slow down because of the recession itself. Even when your customers are making less money themselves you will somehow manage to keep your share.
If the Great Recession of 2007-2009 has taught us anything, it is that nothing in the business environment is forever stable. We never know how the economy is going to turn out for our business in the long run. Since the unemployment rates touched the skies during the time an alternative to adverse job markets could also be taking up a recession proof business.

If you are still looking for ideas and recession is not one of your immediate major concerns The 12 Most In Demand Businesses to Start in 2015 are some great options for the ones who are willing to get a little creative and don’t mind to taking a little risk for better profits.
For the ones who would like to minimize their risks for a steady income here’s the list of some low-investment, easy to set-up and build, recession-proof businesses you can start now.