11 Quick and Easy Team Building Activities For The Workplace

If you are looking for more fun and teamwork in office, here is a perfect list of 11 quick and easy team building activities for the workplace to help your business prosper. For a business to prosper it is extremely important for the employees to be highly motivated and committed towards company’s goal. When they are not motivated the business can suffer a great deal.

Quick and Easy Team Building Activities For The Workplace


One of the major factors of motivation at a workplace is the teamwork. If the employees are divided they are not going to give their 100% and learn new things, which is why it has become extremely important for companies to engage their employees in team building activities. This post is particularly meant for workplaces, but almost everyone can try these best team building problem solving activities and excel in whatever field you’re operating in.

Mentioned below are some of the easiest activities that you can engage your employees with and create a good working environment. Now, let see best quick and easy team building activities for the workplace:

11. Quiz Competition

One of the best ways to develop co-operation amongst the employees is by engaging them in a quiz competition. You can make a team of two to four people and give them a particular topic to study on for an hour or more. This will develop their habit of working in a team and will create understanding, which is extremely vital for the workplace.

Quick and Easy Team Building Activities For The Workplace


10. Group Projects

If the employees aren’t getting along with each other in the workplace, it can hamper the growth of your business. To make sure that doesn’t happen, engage you employees in a combined project. For example, you can make a team of four employees and give them a week’s time to prepare a project that discusses a plan to enhance the business’s efficiency. This will not only develop better communication, but it might also provide you with a solid future plan and help you identify the bright minds at your workplace.


9. Poisonous Webs

A poisonous web is when you leave one rope in a door frame closer to the ground and the other one higher. Call it a poisonous web and ask all the employees to pass through the ropes without touching them. This may sound very simple, but it creates a great bonding among the employees as they learn to work together and trust each other’s decisions.


8. Guessing Game

Another great way to develop understanding and communication amongst the employees is by dividing them in a group of two to play a guessing game. You can tell one of the employees the name of a celebrity, one of the team members, sportsmen or anyone you like without letting the other employee know. Then he will have to give his team mate all the hints to figure out the name of the person. This way they will develop a better sense of understanding and learn to work in a team.


7. Hang-ups

Set a team of employees and ask them to make something out of their coat hangers. It can be anything; they will have to use their creativity. You can give this task to groups or individuals and find out how creative someone is. This will also help you find out leadership qualities in people, which is why it takes the 7th spot in the list of 11 quick and easy team building activities for the workplace.


6. Switch Places

Most of the workplaces have the same sitting arrangement for years, which can divide the employees into groups and make them not work as a team. The best way to counter this problem is by switching their places time to time. Change the place of each employee every month and make him sit with different employees to develop better understanding with them. This will create a strong bond among all the employees.


5. Play Different Sports Together

Nothing creates a stronger bond and better understanding than playing a sport. When you are part of a team, you’ll see how everyone works towards a common goal and bring about their ideas to achieve it, which is particularly important for the workplace too. Making your employees play a team sport will bring them closer and help understand each other better.


4. Puzzle Games

One of the best ways to develop problem-solving skill in a team is by engaging them in activities that require thinking and teamwork. One of the best ways to develop that skill is by making your employees complete puzzles. Divide them into groups and see which group completes the puzzle first. This will develop problem-solving skills, as well as trust in each other.


3. Group Leadership

To improve the efficiency at work, dividing employees into groups is always a good idea. But to make it more beneficial for the workplace, you can assign leaders to those groups. Change leader every 4 weeks and assess their performance. This will help you find leadership qualities in different individuals.


2. Take Them On Trips Together

It is extremely important to give your employees something new outside the four walls of your workplace. Taking them on trips help them interact with each other better without having to worry about work. This will develop better relationship and will eventually result in great co-operation at the workplace.


1. Group Presentations

This might sound like an old idea but even today it stands at top in the list of 11 quick and easy team building activities for the workplace. Some of the employees lack confidence while others don’t. Making them work together does not only help the reluctant employees develop confidence but it also develops co-operation and teamwork, helping the business grow.
