Maximize your time using these 11 quick and easy team building activities for small groups. Team building activities are great ways to create and strengthen bonds between groups. Whether it is in the classroom, workplace, organisation, and even for a group of friends; team building is definitely there to help people build a strong foundation for relationships. Being a small group it is essential to have everyone participate and to give everyone a meaningful part within the activity. Much like when building rapport, team building helps create trust and comfort within members of the group.

Since you are dealing with a smaller group of people, there are certain restrictions in that there are some activities better suited for larger groups than smaller ones. The activities listed here are also flexible and can be done in numerous environments. If you’re looking for something a little more workplace oriented, then check out our list of 11 Quick and Easy Team Building Activities in the Workplace. You can even opt to customize those listed here and add your own touch or flare to it. Some team building activities can be modified to suit the skills of your group as sometimes one has to enhance a specific skill of a group member being assigned a specific role.
This list is ranked based on how much time you need to spend in order to do and complete these activities. Since these are all meant to be quick we’ll mention the longer activities first on this list. Let’s find out more as we explore these 11 quick and easy team building activities for small groups:
11. Great Egg Drop
Approximate Time Required: 30 minutes – 2 hours
You can opt for the group to bring different materials needed in order to do this activity. For this activity the team needs to create a makeshift structure, or device to ensure that the egg survives a fall from around a height of a second story of a building. Different materials can be used.

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