Which are the 11 places with the most moderate climate in the world?
Climate can be a very important factor when one considers where to go on vacations, where to immigrate to, buy a residence or invest in a startup. Which climate fits us better is, of course, a matter of personal perspective, yet, in general, people tend to prefer moderate climates and countries such as the ones presented to you in the 11 countries with the best climate in the world. In the article about the 11 places with the most moderate climate in the world, we will explain which factors classify a climate as moderate using scientific definitions, as well as list 11 places where one can enjoy a moderate climate based on scientific data constantly collected by weather stations and satellites. Before moving on to the list, we need to explain the meaning of a few terms that are used in the article. Unlike the weather, a climate is the weather conditions recorded in an area over a prolonged time period. In other words, climate refers to a weather pattern observed in a specific latitude, elevation, and proximity to the coast using scientific means. By classifying a place with a moderate or a temperate climate, we mean that a place or region is not too hot or too cold between the summer and winter seasons. Additionally, wind and precipitation are also moderate. There are two types of moderate climate, continental and maritime.

Pichugin Dmitry/Shutterstock.com
What differentiates the 11 places with the most moderate climate in the world from the 11 countries with the best climate in the world is that we will include regions which don’t have predominantly moderate climates. Climate knows no borders. The largest countries extend into multiple climate zones. Moderate climates are usually found between the tropics and the Arctic or Antarctic, but some climates outside this area can still be overall quite moderate. The bottom of the list is the area with the most radical temperature, humidity and wind fluctuations during different seasons, and the top of our list has the minimal recorded changes during the year. The point system ranges from 0-10 points, with 5 possible points for average annual temperature and humidity and 5 possible points for the rate of extreme weather phenomena within a year.