We know how hard it is to college students struggling with exhausting jobs, so if you are one of them then you should read our list of 11 online summer jobs for college students with no experience.
Education is sometimes necessary to ensure a better future for us, but it is also very expensive. Not many of us can afford to go to college without a job or a bank loan, as tuition fees are high and parents must save money for decades to be able to provide education for their children. Then after we graduate, we are left with debts and are in need of a job as soon as possible because we need years and years to pay off bank loans. That’s a lot of pressure for a college student, so usually, instead of spending the summer enjoying and taking a break from exams, we must work to save money for the next semester. College students do not have the luxury of choosing the kind of work they like and the often work very hard for a minimum wage. Read more about summer jobs on our list of the 8 Best Summer Jobs for College Students.

Hugo Felix/Shutterstock.com
Luckily, times have changed. Yes, we do still have to struggle to pay off our college loans, but we don’t have to work our backs off in a cafe or a retail store and miss a great part of summer holiday. Thanks to the Internet, we can find a casual, low-demanding online job that pays enough, and we still get to enjoy our favorite part of the year with flexible working hours.
More and more people are turning to online careers as a consequence of stressful, demanding working environments. The benefits of working online are countless. To name a few: low-stress environment and flexible hours since you work from home and you are not surrounded by managers, colleagues, and customers and you choose your own working time. No one is there to force you to get up from your bed in the morning and get ready to commute and work 9-to-5. Instead, you can get up when you want, work where and when you want, and be much less tired and stressed out.
We know that you are probably wondering how and where can you land such a job that requires no physical work and is performed from home, especially if you have little or no working experience whatsoever? Is it possible? The answer is yes! There are tons of working opportunities for inexperienced people, especially if you are looking for a part-time job and you don’t want to make a career out of it. There are many people just like you, looking for a way to earn some extra bucks while on vacation to save up for something you had planned or simply to get you through the semester. It’s true that employers pay beginners less than experienced workers, but considering how easy it is to get a job like this and the time and effort put in it, it can definitely pay off. If you wish to work harder then you will be paid better as well so a great deal of it depends on you actually. We have searched through Reddit, DreamHomeBasedWork, among others, to discover what kind of jobs college students wish for or recommend so that we can compile a list for you. We have taken different experiences with online jobs into consideration and we came up with a list of 11 online summer jobs for college students with no experience.