If these 11 most technologically advanced military weapons are ever to use in warfare, then the world has a lot of things to be worried about. You have all probably watched a few Sci-Fi movies, and had fun looking at the things that could happen in the future. Sci-Fi movie makers have always been very imaginative with their design of weapons and features that weapons had. At the time, it wasn’t a big deal, but now as technology progresses, we are facing the possibility to see those same imaginative weapons in action in the real world.

Militaries have always had too much power and money. Hence, they have been hiring top experts in science and technology, and developing the most amazing weapons and military gadgets. If you are interested, you can also check our list of most technologically advanced militaries in the world.
With their search for an ultimate weapon, the military has given the world technology that can be used for the greater good of making people’s lives more comfortable. GPS, Computer, Microwave, Duct Tape among others were all the things that were firstly designed for military purposes and later introduced to the rest of the world. Let’s hope there will be more of those, and less of weapons.
To find out the most technologically advanced military weapons, we checked the latest military creations available on Youth Connect, Wired, Teqzy, Business Insider and National Interest. After checking them all, we took 11 technologically advanced weapons that appeared the most and placed them on our list.
This one is still not officially in use, but when it comes out, it will be with a bang. DREAD can fire about 12,000 rounds per minute at a speed of 8000 feet per second. Like this isn’t powerful enough, DREAD runs on electricity, so it makes no sound while firing, and it doesn’t heat at all.
Insects are usually not dangerous, but people have figured a way to make them perfect spies. HI – MEMS are plainly said, part insects and part robots. The real goal is the ability to control the insects so they can be used for surveillance.
9. Railgun
No, we are not talking about the weapon from the video games. Now Railgun is already made and it can accelerate projectiles at the speed 7 times greater than the speed of sound. The gun uses electromagnetic force for launching.

U.S. Navy
8. Smart Uniforms
There are few smart uniforms that have been developed in the past years, and some will soon be in use on the battlefields. The most interesting ones are Metaflex uniforms that can grant a substantial level of invisibility to its carrier and uniforms that can detect the injuries and how serious they are.
7. Pain Ray
This weapon is well worthily of its name. The weapon is capable of deploying beam of electromagnetic waves to the target, heating the skin and causing the enormous feeling of pain. This supposed to be a non-lethal weapon, since the effect is temporary.
6. CornerShot
This weapon has been available for a while, and was depicted in some blockbuster movies as well. The idea of this gun is to shoot from the cover, without having to look or expose any part of the body.
5. Taser Shockwave
Taser is an electroshock weapon, and Taser Shockawave works similarly but on a higher level. It fires up 24 to 36 electric probes to a target, creating an electroshock that their grandchildren will feel it.

4. XM-25 Grenade Launcher
This is a perfect combination of a deadly weapon and a computer. This grenade launcher can be programmed in a way that projectiles are being detonated while passing the target. The main intention is to use this weapon for targets that are in cover.
High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System is bringing laser game to the battlefield. The main purpose of this weapon is to produce lasers that can take down missiles. The plan is that they can be attached to an aircraft. It sounds like something from a StarWars movie, right?
2. The Free Electron Laser (FEL)
One more beam thingy among our most technologically advanced military weapons. This weapon is being primarily developed for the naval forces. It uses the electrons in atoms to create high-intensity laser light that can shoot down missiles or rockets.
1. Drones
We will conclude our list of most technologically advanced military weapons with something familiar. We had the opportunity to see drones in action for many purposes, but it looks like military will have the most use of them. Now the drones are being used for scouting and information gathering, but that is just the beginning. Ultimate military goal is to create artificial intelligence drones that can make decisions on the field without human interaction.