Africa is generally not considered a continent full of technologically strong countries and for the most part of it it isn’t, except for these 11 most technologically advanced countries in Africa. While they still have a long way to go before catching up to the 10 most technologically advanced countries in the world, these countries are definitely making a very worthwhile effort to get on their way to taking advantage of all technology can offer. While resources are still limited and people have no access to education, the availability of internet connections and certain charities help the willing to teach themselves online and start contributing to the greater good. These eleven countries are surely to be regarded as prime examples for the rest of the continent as far as technology is concerned because while they are making the effort, many other countries are not willing to or simply do not have the ability to. Without further ado, let’s take a look at them.
11. Kenya
Starting off our list is Kenya, taking the eleventh place. The country has been known as a relatively startup rich place. However, the interesting part is that the people of Kenya are also very fond of inventing things such as a shoe that charges batteries with the power you generate and a TV equipped with a special burglar alarm.
10. Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe’s government has finally started to stabilize so now everyone can expect of it to harness the available technologically literate workforce and get on its way to being lower down towards the first spot on the next revision of this list.

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9. Uganda
Uganda takes the ninth spot in this list with the general consideration that this country has the ability to develop their technology and innovate to an extent which very few other countries can.
8. Angola
The eight spot goes to Angola which isn’t particularly fond of technology and science but is currently funding work in sustained development which might be the needed push to launch it on its way to becoming a giant.

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7. Botswana
Botswana takes the seventh place on our list of the 11 most technologically advanced countries in Africa with their unique project titled “Botswana’s Innovation Club”. The government-backed project aims to give emerging start-ups, major corporations and other technical establishments a common ground to discuss and come up with ideas together.
6. Rwanda
Rwanda wouldn’t be an expected entry in this list because it has barely seen the end of genocide and warfare but the recovery process for the country has played out quite well. Rwanda is one of the few African countries today that boast a fully operational 4G LTE network.
5. Ghana
Ghana’s recovering economy seems like a fertile patch of soil for all the sprouting technological businesses that can be observed today. After the invention of an alternative energy source that uses compressed gas or a very accessible and affordable video conferencing system, Ghana is looked at as the next African country with a considerable contribution to the improvement of Africa’s reputation.
4. Morocco
Taking the fourth place, Morocco is another country on the African continent’s land which is seeing a huge increase in start-ups related to the technology industry and mostly to IT. People there have come up with some very clever devices too, aside from being the first country to use and operate a widely accessible 3G network and have close to eighty percent of its population using internet.
3. Nigeria
Our third contender is Nigeria, a country which people usually dismiss technically but think about it – people have to be technically literate to an extent to even try to pull off the old “Nigerian Prince” email scam. All jokes aside, Africa’s most populous country is, in fact, a hub for technology and is also home to some of the biggest IT companies on the continent.
2. Egypt
Egypt is one of the more powerful countries on the continent which is correctly reflected by its position in this list. The home of one of the most intricate ancient cultures is also claimed to be the home of civilization in general. Egypt is a leader in education on the continent and applies its technological advancement in any area where it can be of use.
1. South Africa
The Republic of South Africa can hardly stand any comparison with the remainder of this list in any area. The country is one of the most advanced and rich on the continent which give it the first spot on the list of the 11 most technologically advanced countries in Africa. If you need examples, just keep in mind that a South African entrepreneur gave us Ubuntu Linux.