We prepared a list of 11 most successful Minecraft Youtubers in the World for all those of you looking for a new favorite Minecraft YouTube channel.
Minecraft is the best-selling PC game to date and the second best-selling video game of all time for a reason. In the world of Minecraft, the only limit is your imagination, something that was never offered before in a video game. This is the main reason behind the success of the game, and the thing that makes it so tempting. It helps also that there are many gameplay modes and the ability to play maps created by other players, which is very helpful if you are among those who have a lack of imagination.

Iryna Tiumentseva/Shutterstock.com
Since Minecraft offers so many possibilities, it is the number one game for YouTubers. There is always something new to do or something to show, so the content is basically always fresh. Having fresh content is what distinct successful YouTubers from those less successful. Since we are already talking about YouTube and success, check out our list of 11 most successful gaming YouTubers in the world as well.
For creating our list of 11 most successful Minecraft Youtubers in the World, we used something that is one of the definitive guidelines when determining how successful a YouTuber is, the number of subscribers on his channel. As our starting point, we used the list of Minecraft YouTubers found on Seus Craft and then looked for those having the most subscriptions. It is important to mention that we didn’t take into consideration the gaming YouTubers that occasionally do Minecraft, but the ones that almost entirely feature Minecraft in their videos.