Some items, like the 11 Most Sold Items in Convenience Stores, just sell. Especially in certain places. For instance, certain items sell better online than they do in stores like the 10 Best Selling Products Online. It’s obvious that you wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) buy clothes and shoes from the local Dollar General. But at the same time, most would never think to purchase a greeting card at a department store. Some products are just more conveniently bought at certain types of retailers.
One type of retailer that provides easy access to nearly every basic need is the proverbial convenience store. These are basically mini grocery stores, with a few other items thrown in. They have everything the traveler, or even desperate resident, needs from snacks to lottery tickets. Best of all, they’re found on nearly every corner.

To determine the 11 Most Sold Items in Convenience Stores, we’ve come up with a points system based on products from Convenience Store and Fuel News’s list of 2015’s Top 101 Convenience Stores. There are twenty stores from all over the US: 7- Eleven, Speedway, BP, Kroger, Wawa, Sheetz, Kwik Trip, Love’s, getGo, Thorntons, Sunoco, E-Z Mart, QuickChek, QuikTrip, Gas Mart USA, Shell, G & M Oil, Road Runner and Kwik Fill. We used these store’s main websites and other sources to access the products they sell the most. Each product was given a point every time it was determined to be held in a store, which gives a total points possible amount of 20.
But there are a few things to keep in mind. These products were given points if they were generally indicated to be found in these stores online. But if products with a 20/20 score are not found in every gas station listed above in the country, don’t be surprised. It only means that these products were sold in at least one location throughout the US. There’s no guarantee that means all. Or they may also be selling these items without indicating so online. We only scored the products specifically listed or mentioned to be sold online.
Either way, you can be sure you’ve bought at least one of the 11 Most Sold Items in Convenience Stores from the one right around the corner.
11. Toiletries – 5/20.
Toiletries include items like toilet paper, toothpaste, hair products, cosmetics or other personal hygiene products. Though convenience stores are not the ideal place to buy these things, they were still said to be sold in five out of twenty of them.