If you’ve ever wanted to start a blog but you don’t know where to begin, check out the most profitable niches for blogging for inspiration.
It seems like there’s a blog for anything and everything these days. If you have an interest in something, chances are after a simple Google search you’ll have found at least one or two people who have been actively writing about it for a while. Bloggers tend to have a more casual and carefree style of writing that feels very personal, so they gain a readership simply by being relatable. It’s like reading your friend’s thoughts on a particular topic. You trust their viewpoint and you’re always looking to see what they think about the topics they’ve written about, even if it’s as seemingly simple as a lipstick review.

Blogging is so exceedingly popular now that it’s become a career for many. There are a lot of ways to monetize content and enter into partnerships with other companies so you can turn your hobby into something you can make money from. For example, you could take a cue from some of the most profitable Adsense niches and try to stay within those boundaries in order to make money from your content. It takes real work to be able to turn blogging into a job, but if you’re in one of these profitable areas, your fun side project could really skyrocket. A blogging niche is a specific topic or set of topics that your blog is about. There are obviously topics that are more popular than others, like beauty blogs are probably more popular than farm blogs, but even though a certain blog might make more money than another doesn’t mean you should stray from a topic you’re familiar with and enjoy. The most important thing is to love the stuff you’re writing about because it’ll show to your readers.
In order to find the most profitable niches for blogging, we used Blogging Cage, Online Income Teacher, JeffLeney, Blogger Babes, and Obstacle for some ideas. We took the niches that were mentioned the most frequently among those sources in order to create our list and we ranked them by number of times mentioned throughout. Again, always remember that it’s important to pick a topic that you’re familiar with and won’t grow bored writing about.
Without further ado, let’s take a look at the most profitable niches for blogging.