You do not need to be a stay-at-home mom to be interested in the list of the most profitable direct sales businesses for stay-at-home moms. Direct sales have been very popular and profitable business since the 70’s when women used to sell Tupperware products at home parties. This type of business allows saleswomen to sell products directly to buyers, face-to-face; since no retail stores are needed and there are no various fees to pay, the profit usually depends on the percentage of the total sale. Bear in mind that this type of sales is different from those that include telemarketing, envelope stuffing or shopping mall retail kiosks and should not be mixed with them.
Some of the great advantages of direct sales are that you do not need to pay a starting fee, membership fees are very low and, finally, no high investments are needed. Unsurprisingly, this is very convenient for stay-at-home moms who usually struggle with low monthly incomes. If you have already looked for a job in this field, you may have come across some multi-level companies and felt slightly disappointed and afraid of joining the business. These companies have gained this bad reputation due to numerous frauds and pyramidal schemes which used to be very common in the past and usually presented as completely legal. On the other hand, successful multi-level companies nowadays are devoted to satisfying their salespeople’s needs by paying them commission fees for each item sold, by providing them with the necessary training and advice from experienced members of the company and by finally making them able to recruit new members.

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Speaking about the most profitable direct sales businesses for stay-at-home moms, we must emphasize that they represent an important part of women’s independence. Thanks to their communication skills and the ability to learn fast, women have proven that they are better in sales business than men. If you work well and you learn fast, a career in direct sales business is easy to build. As we have found out in an article on Forbes, a former nurse and a stay-at-home mom Karen Pagliurolo is now a direct sales superstar who sells only four party clothes per year and earns a lot from that job only.
Thus, direct sales businesses are not only good for making money (even though that is a great reason to start doing it). For women who spend days with kids at home, this is a great opportunity to go out, meet new people, make their own circle of friends and acquire some new skills. All this is possible even if they do not go out much. Women can do a job like this when their husbands go out with kids or they can use the internet and social networks to promote their goods and make a group of potential buyers.
To be successful in this job, you need to sell those products which are attractive to you, or you know a lot about. Products are usually sold by the party plan, one-to-one promotion or online selling. You need to avoid possible frauds, so choose a company from the list of 10 Easiest Direct Sales Companies to Make Money From. Those are the safest for beginners. Try to find out which skills are needed for a particular company, since some of them might be related to your previous education.
Also, try to choose a legitimate company you like and always read the fine print on contracts. Inform yourselves on training, all extra fees and total earnings. Rely on someone who is experienced in multi-level selling. Many of them have great mentorship programs and training. You can get some help from Direct Selling Association, which helps people find a job in this field, manage and improve their selling.
Keep in mind that this business concept is about selling, so do not be deceived with some great lifestyle opportunities usually seen on photos on some sites and always think about your main task in the company. Try to understand your buyers and their needs in order to be able to offer them exactly what they want. If you are not sure about this, try our list of Most Profitable Computer Based Businesses to Start, maybe you will find something convenient there.
To make the list of the most profitable direct sales businesses for stay-at-home moms we have used the information from the blogs meant for them, like MoneyMakingMommy, ToughNickel and MakeMoneyExpert, and first we made a list of those businesses which are interesting and the most popular among stay-at-home moms. Since there are no statistics with crude numbers that show exactly which direct sale businesses are the most profitable, we had to rely on these recommendations. But, we’ve also consulted list of most profitable direct sales companies from 99BusinessIdeas and particularly new direct sales companies in 2017, to recommend you the best among them. You will find recommendations next to each of the items on our list of most profitable direct sales businesses for stay-at-home moms. All you need now is good will and patience and your effort will definitely result in success.